
DirectX x loader

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    Would you consider to add a DX8 .x loader to APOCALYX?

    I'm a Cinema 4D user, and the only good way to export my modelled animations (to use in games) is with the .x format.
    I know Blender have a good .x DX8 exporter, and i think XSI too (probably many more 3D Modellers), so it's not only Cinema 4D user's that would benifit from this.

    Thank you for APOCALYX, it's great!

    If someone want to know, this is the exporters i'm using...

    For Cinema 4D:

    And Blender:

    Happy summer holidays!

    • Leonardo Boselli

      By: Anonymous
      > Would you consider to add a DX8 .x
      > loader to APOCALYX?

      I'll see if there exists some sample code about loading of X files in OpenGL. If I remember well, there was something about the subject at
      I can't promise anything for time costraints, but stay tuned for more news (after MD2, MD3 and Cal3D formats also a support for MD5 files is planned).

      > Thank you for APOCALYX, it's great!

      Thank you very much for your appreciation and suggestions!

      Ciao, leo

    • Leonardo Boselli

      OK, I've found on an article about "loading and displaying .X files without DirectX"

      Now it's not very improbable that in July you'll find a .X file loader and animator in APOCALYX, at least supporting the features covered by that article.

      Ciao, leo

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        That's really good.
        This makes it a lot easier for 3d modellers.

        Worth mention though, there seem to exist two x file formats - dx7 and dx8. Most exporters is using the dx8 format, which support bone animations (and more?).
        I have not tested many different 3D engines, but I do know, that for example Blitz3D is using the dx7 format, and that engine fails to load my animated x-objects, even if i'm not using animated bones. This is something that need to be looked at.

        It's not absolutely nessecary to support bones and fancy stuff in the first release, but if possible, APOCALYX should be able to load the dx8 format with plain key animations.

        Thank you for reading my suggestions.

        • Leonardo Boselli

          By: anonymous
          > This makes it a lot easier for 3d modellers.

          I hope so :)

          > Worth mention though, there seem to exist two x
          > file formats - dx7 and dx8. Most exporters is using
          > the dx8 format, which support bone animations...

          The article that I mentioned earlier refers to the docs of DirectX 9c, but I think that there are no differences with DirectX 8. If there are any, I'm going to support only more recent .X files because I can't move too far from the sources of that article.

          > It's not absolutely nessecary to support bones and
          > fancy stuff in the first release, but if possible,
          > APOCALYX should be able to load the dx8 format with
          > plain key animations.

          Anyway, if you want to verify yourself if APOCALYX is going to support your .X models, in the article at that I mentioned in my previous message is included the executable of a demo and a sample .X file (an animated female figure). I think that you can easily verify if the format of that model can be generated by your modelling tools.

          > Thank you for reading my suggestions.

          Thank you for suggesting them :)

          Ciao, leo


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