
#1 var.__init__ mishandles fixed keyword


See line 86 in the 0.1 release. The "" should
be "self.fixed" I believe. The whole if/elif sequence
can be replaced with a pythonic

if hasattr(self,key) : setattr(self,key,options[key])
else : print "Unrecognized LP_var option",key


  • Suleyman Karabuk

    • assigned_to: nobody --> karabuk
  • Suleyman Karabuk

    • summary:
      var.init mishandles fixed keyword --> var.init mishandles fixed keyword
  • Suleyman Karabuk

    Logged In: YES

    Thank you for trying the package and reporting the bug.
    Could you please provide more information. Specifically,

    1) File name you are referring to,
    2) Platform you are working (eg. Linux, Windows), and
    version of Python
    3) The code that revelaed this bug, so that I can replicate
    it in my system.

  • Kendall Bailey

    Kendall Bailey - 2005-11-29

    Logged In: YES

    The file referred to is APLEpy/ I haven't run the
    software since I don't have XpressMP, but was very
    interested in the project and will likely look at hooking to
    another solver. lp_solve recently added a Python driver
    which would make pyrex unnecessary. I found what I believe
    to be a bug by simply reading the source code.

  • Suleyman Karabuk

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks for the follow up. I did not implement the
    functionality behind the 'fixed' keyword yet. I will check
    your solution when I have a chance to continue development.
    Currently, I am in research mode, planning and plotting some
    novel language extensions.

    However, my priority in development is to hook APLEpy up to
    as many solvers as I can, particularly open source ones. I
    was mentioned that the OSI library, hosted at coin-or, may
    provide a single interface to all the known solvers. I will
    check it during the holidays.

    If you are an academic user, I can provide you, temporarily,
    an XpressMP license under Linux. Let me know.

    Also I was wondering if you had a chance to compile APLEpy
    on Windows. I did not try it yet and I was wondering if it
    would be easy.


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