
Another Photo Gallery / News: Recent posts

Release 1.50

Finally making a release for convenience of new and potential users. This release includes both the 1.36 improvements (FreeMarker templates, 'view included' functionality) as well as some performance enhancements and minor bugfixes.

This is the last release on JDK 1.3. The next release will depend on JDK 1.4 and include XML-based metadata saving and a round of usability improvements.

Posted by Dave Torok 2004-02-07

Unofficial 1.36 in CVS

A couple of good features, in CVS; release files
not yet available.

1.36 - 31 May 2001
* (Dave Torok) Added Freemarker 1.53 template-driven HTML Generation. Added option
to preferences panel, created sample templates. Application now requires
freemarker 1.53 jarfile to compile and run.

* (Dave Torok) Added "View Included Only" option to image panel. Toggling this
option will refresh the image panel either hiding or showing the excluded
images.... read more

Posted by Dave Torok 2002-02-12


After long hiatus, a new version is out with improved HTML generation, better HTML GUI and general bug fixes - it feels good to have done it too!

Posted by John Clayton 2001-02-21

Release 1.33a

!.33 came out yesterday, then I found some bugs with URL's containing spaces - this release fixes those 1.33 problems.

Posted by John Clayton 2000-09-24

Release 1.31

Great! Finally I've implemented interior clipping on the rotation dialog - I've been DYING to have this feature for my own site - hope you find it usefull!

Posted by John Clayton 2000-09-10

Release 1.30

More useable, but development still continues on the cookie cutter tool !

Posted by John Clayton 2000-09-07

Release 1.28a Problems!

SourceForge appears to have problems with the release process, causing download pages to display 0 length files for recent releases.

While this problem exists, please use the HOMEPAGE download area to get the latest release.

The homepage location is:

Posted by John Clayton 2000-08-15

Release 1.27

Contains date selection dialog, HTML generation mods and reverse sorting of APG entries in the model and generated HTML.

Posted by John Clayton 2000-08-06

New Release v 1.25

Fixed a few bugs, implemented a couple more features - see the CHANGES file in the distro.

Have fun!

Posted by John Clayton 2000-07-10


Hi there! If you're looking for a GUI app that'll take selected images from the thousands that you have littered on your hard drives and place them on the web - you've found the right place!

Posted by John Clayton 2000-07-08

Release 1.22

New release added on FreshMeat. Contains various fixes, see web site for more information.

Posted by John Clayton 2000-07-07