
#239 ns_sendmail does not use fqdn

API: Tcl (36)

ns_sendmail sends the helo part of the SMTP
conversation with a non-FQDN. Many mail servers are
configured nowadays to reject non-FQDN HELO lines
because of spam. ns_sendmail needs to be modified to
send the FQDN of the host AOLserver is running on.


  • Mat Kovach

    Mat Kovach - 2005-03-11

    Logged In: YES

    By default ns_sendmail used [ns_info hostname] to get the
    helo hostname. ns_info hostname uses the gethostname() to
    determine the system's hostname.

    There are a few ways to address the problem.

    One would be a address this in documentation and the
    sample-config.tcl. Instead of using set hostname [ns_info
    hostname] using something like set hostname
    "". This would be a simple fix.

    Modify ns_info hostname (in info.c) to make sure a FQDN is
    pulled. Probably the most difficult thing to do and the
    least helpful. In general the hostname of the server
    running AOLserver will be different that the displayed
    hostname. While the hostname of the server might be, the URL will be With
    the vary implementations for dns resolvers on various
    systems that could add a level of complexity to things.

    Add a ns/parameter "maildomain" to define what domain name
    should be used when sending email. This would be the best
    setup. ns_sendmail could be modfied to not send mail if the
    value is NULL, which would be the deafult.

  • Dossy Shiobara

    Dossy Shiobara - 2005-03-11

    Logged In: YES

    I'd be more in favor of defining a "maildomain" parameter to
    the config and then having the ns_sendmail code use
    ns_config to pull it. Just my two cents on this matter.

  • Dossy Shiobara

    Dossy Shiobara - 2005-03-11
    • milestone: --> aolserver_v40
    • priority: 5 --> 6
  • Mat Kovach

    Mat Kovach - 2005-03-11

    Logged In: YES

    I am created a patch that makes use of the maildomain param
    suggested. Only modification was the sendmail.tcl, in the
    _ns_sendmail proc.

  • Dossy Shiobara

    Dossy Shiobara - 2005-03-11
    • assigned_to: nobody --> shagster
  • Mat Kovach

    Mat Kovach - 2005-03-11

    Logged In: YES

    Cleaned up the patch a bit. Instead of throwing and error
    if maildomain is not set, it logs an Error. I also cleaned
    up removed the string match(s) for the configuration
    parameters and replaced them with string length $var < 1.

  • Mat Kovach

    Mat Kovach - 2005-03-11

    Logged In: YES

    actually attaching the patch this time (d'oh, what a dork!)

  • Mat Kovach

    Mat Kovach - 2005-03-11

    patch to tcl/sendmail.tcl to add maildomain parameter

  • Nathan Folkman

    Nathan Folkman - 2005-03-11

    Logged In: YES

    It might be better to make this change backwards compatible. perhaps
    something like:

    set fqdn [ns_config ns/parameters maildomain]

    if {![string length $fqdn]} {
    ns_log warning "maildomain not defined, using [ns_info hostname]"

  • Nathan Folkman

    Nathan Folkman - 2005-03-11

    Logged In: YES

    One more time...

    set fqdn [ns_config ns/parameters maildomain]

    if {![string length $fqdn]} {
    set fqdn [ns_info hostname]
    ns_log warning "maildomain not defined, using $fqdn"

  • Mat Kovach

    Mat Kovach - 2005-03-11

    Logged In: YES

    That change can be made, I like to use terse log file to
    give people the idea that should really make the change.
    Attached is the updated patch against tcl/sendmail.tcl in HEAD

  • Mat Kovach

    Mat Kovach - 2005-03-11

    update tcl/sendmail.tcl patch (revised warning in logs)

  • Dossy Shiobara

    Dossy Shiobara - 2005-03-11

    Logged In: YES

    I suggested something the same to Mat on the AOLserver chat,
    sans the logged warning. We should just document (perhaps
    in sample-config.tcl) that either ns/parameters maildomain
    is used OR [ns_info hostname]. Logging the warning seems
    unnecessarily noisy -- especially if you DO just want it to
    use [ns_info hostname] it seems silly to have to explicitly
    define ns/parameters maildomain as [ns_info hostame] just to
    squelch the warning.

  • Tom Jackson

    Tom Jackson - 2005-03-11

    Logged In: YES

    The warning should probably point to the file sending the warning, and
    include the path to the parameter. Otherwise folks are going to scratch
    heads to figure out how to fix the problem.

    Is the place for this in "ns/parameters"? Shouldn't each server be
    allowed to have their own under "ns/server/servername", maybe falling
    back to a default under "ns/parameters"?

  • Mat Kovach

    Mat Kovach - 2005-03-11

    Logged In: YES

    Q: Is the place for this in "ns/parameters"? Shouldn't each
    be allowed to have their own under "ns/server/servername",
    maybe falling back to a default under "ns/parameters"?

    Right now all the configuration parameters for sendmail.tcl
    are under ns/parameters, I think adding a new parameter and
    having two different places it can be set in the
    configuration file is a bit to much. Generally mail servers
    that make SMTP connections only have one name they use when
    issuing the HELO command. One place for the parameters is
    the best way to go.

    Modifying the warning to point to the file (sendmail.tcl)
    and the parameter to change should probably been done at
    start up, but I think adding the configuration change to the
    documentation will be enough to get the information out.

  • Nathan Folkman

    Nathan Folkman - 2005-03-11

    Logged In: YES

    I think Tom brings up a bigger topic for discussion, which is whether or not
    ns_sendmail should be virtual server aware. I'd suggest applying the first
    patch as is, and then taking on virtual server support as a new task.

  • Mat Kovach

    Mat Kovach - 2005-03-12

    tcl/sendmail.tcl patch to provide control for setting host used in HELO command

  • Mat Kovach

    Mat Kovach - 2005-03-12

    Logged In: YES

    I took the suggested into account and create the following:

    Added paramater for ns_sendmail helohost

    ns_sendmail to from subject body ?extraheaders? ?bcc? ?helohost?

    When ns_sendmail is called, it will check if helohost is
    sent, if not it will set hello host to ns_config
    "ns/server/[ns_info server]" maildomain and call _ns_sendmail.

    _ns_sendmail will if helohost is null. If null it will
    check for ns/parameters maildomain, if still null it will
    use [ns_info hostname].

    This will allow people to set helohost in their coding, if
    they choose, setup a global default, and server setting, and
    if nothing is set will continue to use the old [ns_info

  • Eduardo Perez Ureta

    Logged In: YES

    So, It is OK if [ns_info hostname] is modified so it returns
    the FQDN?
    Please tell us if you think is a good idea so we can close
    this bug.

  • Mat Kovach

    Mat Kovach - 2006-01-31

    Logged In: YES

    > So, It is OK if [ns_info hostname] is modified so it returns
    the FQDN?

    I see no problem with it.

  • Dossy Shiobara

    Dossy Shiobara - 2006-01-31

    Logged In: YES

    Changing the behavior of [ns_info hostname] is a bad idea.
    [ns_info hostname] returns what the system's hostname(1)
    command returns. The sysadmin controls that value. Making
    [ns_info hostname] return something other than the system
    hostname(1) value will break lots of things that assume they
    return the same thing.

    It might be better to simply fix ns_sendmail to not rely on
    [ns_info hostname] at all, and instead use a value set in
    the config .tcl and fetched via ns_config inside
    ns_sendmail. Perhaps passing [ns_info hostname] as the
    "default" argument to ns_config will preserve backwards
    compatibility with older configurations, but at least this
    way you can configure what HELO to send from ns_sendmail.

    See the earlier followups that suggest exactly this,
    defining a "maildomain" config parameter. Maybe "smtphelo"
    would be a better choice, IMHO.

  • Mat Kovach

    Mat Kovach - 2006-01-31

    Logged In: YES

    I am sorry I must of misread the comment. I thought they
    were discussing replacing [ns_info hostname] with something
    that returns fqdn (perhaps ns_info fqdn).

    We shouldn't be changing the functionality of ns_info
    hostname, just the logic it getting the fqdn.

    Personally I setup maildomain use a simple check in a
    personal tcl file to make sure it is set or override
    ns_sendmail not to work.

    Perhaps a check in sendmail.tcl to see if maildomain (or
    smtphelo, whatever) is set. If it is not set, do not allow
    ns_sendmail to ... well .. send mail?

  • Eduardo Perez Ureta

    Logged In: YES

    The FQDN is not only needed for SMTP HELO. Other code also
    needs it (like setting the FQDN in absolute http URLs). Will
    you add [ns_info fqdn] then? Or is there other way to get
    the FQDN easily and portably.
    (Many of the uses of [ns_info hostname] in code such as
    OpenACS will need to change to the FQDN, since the FQDN is
    what is really needed there.


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