
Sculpt tool

  • Peter Eastman

    Peter Eastman - 2002-11-28

    I've written a first attempt at a Teddy-like modelling tool:

    To use it, just select a closed curve and run the script.  Like Teddy, it generates kind of rough looking objects, but I'm still fairly pleased with it.  This is intended as a prototype - eventually it should become a standard modelling tool.  Let me know how it works for you, and any ways it could be improved.


    • Julio Sangrador-Patón

      Me and my girlfriend spent last Sunday afternoon and evening trying to model something that I have just done in 1 minute. Does it seem useful enough?

    • Duncan Macneil

      Duncan Macneil - 2002-11-28

      Amazingly good.

      In fact, there's somthing it can do that teddy can't. You can edit your 2D curve in 3D *before* scupting. This means if you do a tree, it can have branches not just left/right, but forward/back as well.

      Wow.  :oO

    • Duncan Macneil

      Duncan Macneil - 2002-11-29

      My notes so far on the sculpt tool:

      1. The 'convertToTriangleMesh' (line 66) step seems crucial to the finished product. I looked at the 'butterfly' and 'loop' mesh-makers in the AOI code and got 'mathed out!', but I think if the code could somehow create suitable centre points when a triangle is going to end up long and sharp, that *might* help.

      2. I went through the lines of code and tried to 'do it by hand'. (That is, create a closed curve, convert to mesh, subdivide, subdivide, 'inflate' two copies in the z direction.) Often, a better/smoother result is found by selecting the 5 or 10 longest edges before subdividing.

      So, my suggestion is that instead of doing a SubdivideMesh(mesh) in lines 67 and 68, it should find edges that are (say) in the top 5th percentile in terms of their length and subdivide those edges only.

      I would so this myself, but I don't know how to get beanshell to find the longest edges.

      :)   my 2c only....


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