
icon size48 not working?

  • Carsten Nielsen

    Carsten Nielsen - 2009-05-29

    Hi all,

    first: very nice app! I love it - its just ultra-geeky on my touchscreen-phone!

    I'am using a Samsung SGH-F480 (called Tocco in UK and USA) . On my display (320x420) The 32px icons are too small and the 64px are too big. So I tried to switch to 48px icon size (as written in README) - but my converted client doesn't show the 48px icons - just falls back to 32px. Any Ideas?


    • Mike

      Mike - 2009-05-29

      Hace You used command
      Set(skin,default,ticker,size48); ?
      see here for details:

    • Mike

      Mike - 2009-05-29

      Please, send *jar You use to anyremote (at)

      • Carsten Nielsen

        Carsten Nielsen - 2009-05-29

        Hello Mike!

        Thanks for that fast reply and awesome support. It works!
        I think i'll submit a short tut for the homepage on setting up anyRemote on SGH F480 (aka tocco) in the next days.
        By the way: Is there a source for extended/updated cfg-files somewhere?  (It seems that some cfg-files - Rhytmbox, Amarok2, mplayer etc. - lacks some functionality like opening files, playlist-support...)

        Thanks again and I'll experiment further with your app!

    • Mike

      Mike - 2009-06-01

      Hi Carsten,

      >Is there a source for extended/updated cfg-files somewhere?
      No. All existing cfg.files are supplied with anyRemote. You can find them (i guess)
      in /usr/share/anyremote.

      • Carsten Nielsen

        Carsten Nielsen - 2009-06-01

        Maybe a suggestion for the homepage? A user-supported cfg-repository... maybe simply added as forum-section.


        • Mike

          Mike - 2009-06-01

          Nice idea about forum.
          In any case You can send cfg.files to me and i will add them
          to the next release.


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