
anyRemote connects, but shows just locks

  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2011-09-27

    I can connect with my android phone, but regardless of which set I start in the gAnyRemote program list (all-in-one, open office impress, rhythmbox, …) I only get 3 times 4 locks. It just looks like this:

    Only, every symbol is replaced by a simple lock and I can do nothing. What am I missing? Note: There is no logfile in ~/.anyRemote.

  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2011-09-29

    I was able to create a log file. This is what I did:

    1. anyremote -f /usr/share/anyremote/cfg-data/Server-mode/all-in-one2.cfg -s bluetooth -log -a
    2. Connect the phone and press the lock where the "5" should be once
    3. Ctrl-C

    This is the part where I pressed the key:

    [16:39:22] - DBG - [DS]: -------------------- Command read --------------------
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [DS]: parseCommand >+CKEV: 5,1<
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [DS]: Send message to executor thread
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [EX]: got event
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [EX]: got key >+CKEV: 5,1<
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [EX]: handle_command
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [EX]: handle_key_press() >5<
    [16:39:22] - DBG - findItemInMode >_ALL_IN_ONE_,5<
    [16:39:22] - DBG - findItemInMode: Item does not found
    [16:39:22] - DBG - findItem() search in default
    [16:39:22] - DBG - findItemInMode >default,5<
    [16:39:22] - DBG - findItemInMode: Item does not found
    [16:39:22] - DBG - findItem() internal mode
    [16:39:22] - DBG - No approprite key definition was found by findItem()
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [DS]: -------------------- Command read --------------------
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [DS]: parseCommand >+CKEV: 5,0<
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [DS]: Send message to executor thread
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [EX]: got event
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [EX]: got key >+CKEV: 5,0<
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [EX]: handle_command
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [EX]: Clean auto repeat flag

    The part "Item does not found" may imply that there is something wrong here - but the error must be earlier, since my HTC Hero doesn't show any icons in the first place. Any suggestion where to look is appreciated. Here is the complete log:

    CFG - Thu Sep 29 16:39:09 2011
    CFG - anyRemote v5.1.2
    CFG - [Mode] _ALL_IN_ONE_
    CFG -   * * = Set(text,replace,Help,Press 1, then\n choose application to manage<|>);
    CFG -   1 = Macro(SHOWSW<|>);
    CFG -   0 = Exit<|>;
    CFG -   Select($$) = Make(flush<|>);\
    CFG -       Set(title,<|>);\
    CFG -       Set(status,<|>);\
    CFG -       Include($(CfgDir)/Server-mode/$(Param).cfg<|>);\
    CFG -       Include($(CfgDir)/Server-mode/all-in-one2.cfg<|>);\
    CFG -       Macro(ALLIN1MENU<|>);
    CFG -   Back($$) = Set(list,close<|>);\
    CFG -       Set(title,all-in-one<|>);\
    CFG -       Set(status,<|>);
    CFG -   Back = Set(text,close<|>);
    CFG -   Cancel = Exit<|>;
    CFG -   REGEN_FILE = Set(text,replace,Wait,Wait ...<|>);\
    CFG -       Macro(GEN_FILE<|>);
    CFG -   Regenerate = Macro(REGEN_FILE<|>);
    CFG -   Regenerate($$) = Macro(REGEN_FILE<|>);
    CFG -   LOAD_FILE = Set(text,replace,Wait,Wait ...<|>);\
    CFG -       Include($(home)/.anyRemote/AllInOneTmp.cfg<|>);\
    CFG -       Macro(FILL_LIST<|>);
    CFG -   GEN_FILE = ExecAndSet(text,replace,Wait<|>,$(CfgDir)/Utils/ $(CfgDir);echo "Wait ....");\
    CFG -       Include($(home)/.anyRemote/AllInOneTmp.cfg<|>);\
    CFG -       Macro(UPLOAD0<|>);
    CFG -   GEN_FILE_IF = Exec(<|>rm -f /tmp/AllInOneUpload.start;echo 'S="GEN_FILE";if [ -f $HOME/.anyRemote/AllInOneTmp.cfg ]; then S="LOAD_FILE"; fi; echo "Macro($S)" > /tmp/AllInOneUpload.start;'|bash -f -s);\
    CFG -       ExecAndSet(text,replace,Wait<|>,sleep 1;echo "Wait ...");\
    CFG -       Load(/tmp/AllInOneUpload.start<|>);
    CFG -   SHOWSW = Macro(GEN_FILE_IF<|>);
    CFG -   ALL_IN_ONE_SETUP = Set(icons,All-in-one,1,plus,2,default,3,default,4,default,5,default,6,default,7,default,8,default,9,default,*,question,0,no,#,default<|>);\
    CFG -       Set(list,font,medium<|>);
    CFG -   (EnterMode) = Make(var,home<|>,echo $HOME);\
    CFG -       Macro(ALL_IN_ONE_SETUP<|>);\
    CFG -       Macro(SHOWSW<|>);
    CFG - [ModeEnd] _ALL_IN_ONE_
    CFG - [Mode] default
    CFG -   POWER = Macro(#<|>);
    CFG -   TEXT = Macro(*<|>);
    CFG -   All-in-1 = Make(mode<|>,_ALL_IN_ONE_);
    CFG -   ALLIN1MENU = Set(menu,add,All-in-1<|>);
    CFG -   (Connect) = Set(parameter,debug,on<|>);\
    CFG -       Make(mode<|>,_ALL_IN_ONE_);
    CFG -   (Init) = Include($(CfgDir)/Utils/aliases-server.cfg<|>);\
    CFG -       Make(var,from_utf<|>,by_value,);\
    CFG -       Make(var,to_utf<|>,by_value,);
    CFG - [ModeEnd] default
    CFG - [Variables]
    CFG -   IViewer     -> false
    CFG -   ToMainMenu  -> E
    CFG -   TwoWayComm  -> false
    CFG -   ServiceName     -> anyRemote
    CFG -   RetrySeconds    -> 60
    CFG -   Logging     -> debug
    CFG -   Device  -> bluetooth
    CFG -   CmerOn  -> (empty)
    CFG -   CmerOff     -> (empty)
    CFG -   CharSet     -> 8859-1
    CFG -   Baudrate    -> 19200
    CFG -   AutoRepeat  -> false
    CFG -   AutoConnect     -> true
    CFG -   MixerChannel    -> Master
    CFG -   MixerCard   -> 0
    CFG -   Dbus    -> yes
    CFG -   Bluez   -> yes
    CFG -   Xtest   -> yes
    CFG -   CfgDir  -> /usr/share/anyremote/cfg-data/Server-mode/..
    CFG -   Home    -> /home/matthias
    CFG - [End]
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - g_main_loop_new
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - Do not setup front-end connection
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - g_main_loop_run
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - [DS]: start dispatcher thread
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - [DS]: wait init OK event
    [16:39: 9] - INF - [EX]: Start executor thread
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - dbusInit
    [16:39: 9] - INF - [EX]: DBUS initialized
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - findItemInMode >default,(Init)<
    [16:39: 9] - INF - [EX]: Exec cmd on init
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - handleCmdByKey() >(Init)<
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - getCommand for >(Init)<
    [16:39: 9] - INF - processOneCommand >$(CfgDir)/Utils/aliases-server.cfg< >no exec params< >1<
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - substParams >$(CfgDir)/Utils/aliases-server.cfg<
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - searchVar() OK
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - Add bytes: 35
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - Allocate >70< bytes for parametrized command
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - cur cmd >$(CfgDir)/Utils/aliases-server.cfg<
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - papameterized >$(CfgDir)/Utils/aliases-server.cfg<
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - substitute: searchVar() OK
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - cmd var value >/usr/share/anyremote/cfg-data/Server-mode/..<
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - cur cmd >/Utils/aliases-server.cfg<
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - no more parameters
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - cur cmd >/usr/share/anyremote/cfg-data/Server-mode/../Utils/aliases-server.cfg<
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - final cmd >/usr/share/anyremote/cfg-data/Server-mode/../Utils/aliases-server.cfg< 44
    [16:39: 9] - INF - Command: Include
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - findMode() default = default
    CFG - Thu Sep 29 16:39:09 2011
    CFG - anyRemote v5.1.2
    CFG - [Mode] _ALL_IN_ONE_
    CFG -   * * = Set(text,replace,Help,Press 1, then\n choose application to manage<|>);
    CFG -   1 = Macro(SHOWSW<|>);
    CFG -   0 = Exit<|>;
    CFG -   Select($$) = Make(flush<|>);\
    CFG -       Set(title,<|>);\
    CFG -       Set(status,<|>);\
    CFG -       Include($(CfgDir)/Server-mode/$(Param).cfg<|>);\
    CFG -       Include($(CfgDir)/Server-mode/all-in-one2.cfg<|>);\
    CFG -       Macro(ALLIN1MENU<|>);
    CFG -   Back($$) = Set(list,close<|>);\
    CFG -       Set(title,all-in-one<|>);\
    CFG -       Set(status,<|>);
    CFG -   Back = Set(text,close<|>);
    CFG -   Cancel = Exit<|>;
    CFG -   REGEN_FILE = Set(text,replace,Wait,Wait ...<|>);\
    CFG -       Macro(GEN_FILE<|>);
    CFG -   Regenerate = Macro(REGEN_FILE<|>);
    CFG -   Regenerate($$) = Macro(REGEN_FILE<|>);
    CFG -   LOAD_FILE = Set(text,replace,Wait,Wait ...<|>);\
    CFG -       Include($(home)/.anyRemote/AllInOneTmp.cfg<|>);\
    CFG -       Macro(FILL_LIST<|>);
    CFG -   GEN_FILE = ExecAndSet(text,replace,Wait<|>,$(CfgDir)/Utils/ $(CfgDir);echo "Wait ....");\
    CFG -       Include($(home)/.anyRemote/AllInOneTmp.cfg<|>);\
    CFG -       Macro(UPLOAD0<|>);
    CFG -   GEN_FILE_IF = Exec(<|>rm -f /tmp/AllInOneUpload.start;echo 'S="GEN_FILE";if [ -f $HOME/.anyRemote/AllInOneTmp.cfg ]; then S="LOAD_FILE"; fi; echo "Macro($S)" > /tmp/AllInOneUpload.start;'|bash -f -s);\
    CFG -       ExecAndSet(text,replace,Wait<|>,sleep 1;echo "Wait ...");\
    CFG -       Load(/tmp/AllInOneUpload.start<|>);
    CFG -   SHOWSW = Macro(GEN_FILE_IF<|>);
    CFG -   ALL_IN_ONE_SETUP = Set(icons,All-in-one,1,plus,2,default,3,default,4,default,5,default,6,default,7,default,8,default,9,default,*,question,0,no,#,default<|>);\
    CFG -       Set(list,font,medium<|>);
    CFG -   (EnterMode) = Make(var,home<|>,echo $HOME);\
    CFG -       Macro(ALL_IN_ONE_SETUP<|>);\
    CFG -       Macro(SHOWSW<|>);
    CFG - [ModeEnd] _ALL_IN_ONE_
    CFG - [Mode] default
    CFG -   69 = no command
    CFG -   -8 = no command
    CFG -   -11 = no command
    CFG -   POWER = Macro(#<|>);
    CFG -   TEXT = Macro(*<|>);
    CFG -   All-in-1 = Make(mode<|>,_ALL_IN_ONE_);
    CFG -   ALLIN1MENU = Set(menu,add,All-in-1<|>);
    CFG -   (Connect) = Set(parameter,debug,on<|>);\
    CFG -       Make(mode<|>,_ALL_IN_ONE_);
    CFG -   (Init) = Include($(CfgDir)/Utils/aliases-server.cfg<|>);\
    CFG -       Make(var,from_utf<|>,by_value,);\
    CFG -       Make(var,to_utf<|>,by_value,);
    CFG - [ModeEnd] default
    CFG - [Variables]
    CFG -   IViewer     -> false
    CFG -   ToMainMenu  -> E
    CFG -   TwoWayComm  -> false
    CFG -   ServiceName     -> anyRemote
    CFG -   RetrySeconds    -> 60
    CFG -   Logging     -> debug
    CFG -   Device  -> bluetooth
    CFG -   CmerOn  -> (empty)
    CFG -   CmerOff     -> (empty)
    CFG -   CharSet     -> 8859-1
    CFG -   Baudrate    -> 19200
    CFG -   AutoRepeat  -> false
    CFG -   AutoConnect     -> true
    CFG -   MixerChannel    -> Master
    CFG -   MixerCard   -> 0
    CFG -   Dbus    -> yes
    CFG -   Bluez   -> yes
    CFG -   Xtest   -> yes
    CFG -   CfgDir  -> /usr/share/anyremote/cfg-data/Server-mode/..
    CFG -   Home    -> /home/matthias
    CFG - [End]
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - isNew 0 isConnected 0
    [16:39: 9] - INF - processOneCommand >var,from_utf< >by_value,< >1<
    [16:39: 9] - INF - Command: Make
    [16:39: 9] - INF - Command: Make(var,...)
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - substParams ><
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - setVar() >from_utf->NULL<
    [16:39: 9] - INF - processOneCommand >var,to_utf< >by_value,< >1<
    [16:39: 9] - INF - Command: Make
    [16:39: 9] - INF - Command: Make(var,...)
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - substParams ><
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - setVar() >to_utf->NULL<
    [16:39: 9] - INF - [EX]: sendToMainMenu
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - send to dispatcher 4
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - handleHook() >1<
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - loadCmds
    [16:39: 9] - INF - [EX]: init hooks done
    [16:39: 9] - INF - [EX]: Send init OK event to dispatcher
    [16:39: 9] - DBG - send to dispatcher 98
    [16:39:10] - DBG - [DS]: Got event
    [16:39:10] - DBG - [DS]: No connection. Skip event
    [16:39:10] - DBG - [DS]: wait init OK event
    [16:39:10] - DBG - [DS]: Got event
    [16:39:10] - INF - [DS]: Got init OK event
    [16:39:10] - DBG - [DS]: ************ outer loop **********
    [16:39:10] - INF - [DS]: openPort()
    [16:39:10] - DBG - [DS]: Bluetooth Sockets Server mode. Use channel 19
    [16:39:10] - INF - registered SP for channel 19
    [16:39:10] - DBG - [DS]: initPort
    [16:39:10] - INF - [DS]: Server mode: Waiting connection
    [16:39:10] - INF - listenAndAcceptSocketConn
    [16:39:15] - INF - listenAndAcceptSocketConn: accepted
    [16:39:15] - INF - listenAndAcceptSocketConn: remote BT address is 00:23:D4:60:35:04
    [16:39:15] - INF - [DS]: Start event forwarding
    [16:39:15] - DBG - [EX]: got event
    [16:39:15] - DBG - [EX]: got event >3<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - findItemInMode >default,(Connect)<
    [16:39:15] - INF - [EX]: Exec cmd on connect
    [16:39:15] - DBG - handleCmdByKey() >(Connect)<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - getCommand for >(Connect)<
    [16:39:15] - INF - processOneCommand >parameter,debug,on< >no exec params< >1<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - substParams >parameter,debug,on<
    [16:39:15] - INF - Command: Set
    [16:39:15] - INF - Data is new
    [16:39:15] - DBG - send to dispatcher 1
    [16:39:15] - INF - processOneCommand >mode< >_ALL_IN_ONE_< >1<
    [16:39:15] - INF - Command: Make
    [16:39:15] - INF - Command: Make(mode,...)
    [16:39:15] - DBG - substParams >_ALL_IN_ONE_<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - findItemInMode >default,(ExitMode)<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - findItemInMode: No parameters suspected. Item does not found.
    [16:39:15] - DBG - findItem() internal mode
    [16:39:15] - DBG - Leave mode
    [16:39:15] - DBG - setMode() to _ALL_IN_ONE_
    [16:39:15] - DBG - findMode() _ALL_IN_ONE_ = _ALL_IN_ONE_
    [16:39:15] - DBG - setMode() new mode was set to _ALL_IN_ONE_
    [16:39:15] - DBG - findItemInMode >_ALL_IN_ONE_,(EnterMode)<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - Exec cmd on enter to mode
    [16:39:15] - DBG - handleCmdByKey() >(EnterMode)<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - getCommand for >(EnterMode)<
    [16:39:15] - INF - processOneCommand >var,home< >echo $HOME< >1<
    [16:39:15] - INF - Command: Make
    [16:39:15] - INF - Command: Make(var,...)
    [16:39:15] - DBG - substParams >echo $HOME<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - execSimpleCmd >echo $HOME<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - execNoFork >echo $HOME > /home/matthias/.anyRemote/anyremote.result<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - [DS]: Got event
    [16:39:15] - DBG - [DS]: Set()
    [16:39:15] - DBG - writeSocketConn
    [16:39:15] - DBG - Set(parameter,debug,on);
    [16:39:15] - INF - writeSocketConn 24 bytes
    [16:39:15] - DBG - readResultsFile >15<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - setVar() >home->/home/matthias
    [16:39:15] - INF - processOneCommand >ALL_IN_ONE_SETUP< >no exec params< >1<
    [16:39:15] - INF - Command: Macro
    [16:39:15] - DBG - macroCmd/timerCmd
    [16:39:15] - DBG - findItemInMode >_ALL_IN_ONE_,ALL_IN_ONE_SETUP<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - handleCmdByKey() >ALL_IN_ONE_SETUP<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - getCommand for >ALL_IN_ONE_SETUP<
    [16:39:15] - INF - processOneCommand >icons,All-in-one,1,plus,2,default,3,default,4,default,5,default,6,default,7,default,8,default,9,default,*,question,0,no,#,default< >no exec params< >1<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - substParams >icons,All-in-one,1,plus,2,default,3,default,4,default,5,default,6,default,7,default,8,default,9,default,*,question,0,no,#,default<
    [16:39:15] - INF - Command: Set
    [16:39:15] - INF - Data is new
    [16:39:15] - DBG - send to dispatcher 1
    [16:39:15] - INF - processOneCommand >list,font,medium< >no exec params< >1<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - substParams >list,font,medium<
    [16:39:15] - INF - Command: Set
    [16:39:15] - INF - Data is new
    [16:39:15] - DBG - send to dispatcher 1
    [16:39:15] - INF - processOneCommand >SHOWSW< >no exec params< >1<
    [16:39:15] - INF - Command: Macro
    [16:39:15] - DBG - macroCmd/timerCmd
    [16:39:15] - DBG - findItemInMode >_ALL_IN_ONE_,SHOWSW<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - handleCmdByKey() >SHOWSW<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - getCommand for >SHOWSW<
    [16:39:15] - INF - processOneCommand >GEN_FILE_IF< >no exec params< >1<
    [16:39:15] - INF - Command: Macro
    [16:39:15] - DBG - macroCmd/timerCmd
    [16:39:15] - DBG - findItemInMode >_ALL_IN_ONE_,GEN_FILE_IF<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - handleCmdByKey() >GEN_FILE_IF<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - getCommand for >GEN_FILE_IF<
    [16:39:15] - INF - processOneCommand >no description< >rm -f /tmp/AllInOneUpload.start;echo 'S="GEN_FILE";if [ -f $HOME/.anyRemote/AllInOneTmp.cfg ]; then S="LOAD_FILE"; fi; echo "Macro($S)" > /tmp/AllInOneUpload.start;'|bash -f -s< >1<
    [16:39:15] - INF - Command: Exec
    [16:39:15] - DBG - substParams >rm -f /tmp/AllInOneUpload.start;echo 'S="GEN_FILE";if [ -f $HOME/.anyRemote/AllInOneTmp.cfg ]; then S="LOAD_FILE"; fi; echo "Macro($S)" > /tmp/AllInOneUpload.start;'|bash -f -s<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - execSimpleCmd >rm -f /tmp/AllInOneUpload.start;echo 'S="GEN_FILE";if [ -f $HOME/.anyRemote/AllInOneTmp.cfg ]; then S="LOAD_FILE"; fi; echo "Macro($S)" > /tmp/AllInOneUpload.start;'|bash -f -s<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - execNoFork >rm -f /tmp/AllInOneUpload.start;echo 'S="GEN_FILE";if [ -f $HOME/.anyRemote/AllInOneTmp.cfg ]; then S="LOAD_FILE"; fi; echo "Macro($S)" > /tmp/AllInOneUpload.start;'|bash -f -s&<
    [16:39:15] - INF - processOneCommand >text,replace,Wait< >sleep 1;echo "Wait ..."< >1<
    [16:39:15] - INF - Command: ExecAndSet
    [16:39:15] - DBG - execCmdAndGetResults
    [16:39:15] - DBG - substParams >text,replace,Wait<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - substParams >sleep 1;echo "Wait ..."<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - execSimpleCmd >sleep 1;echo "Wait ..."<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - execNoFork >sleep 1;echo "Wait ..." > /home/matthias/.anyRemote/anyremote.result<
    [16:39:15] - DBG - [DS]: Got event
    [16:39:15] - DBG - [DS]: Set()
    [16:39:15] - DBG - writeSocketConn
    [16:39:15] - DBG - Set(icons,All-in-one,1,plus,2,default,3,default,4,default,5,default,6,default,7,default,8,default,9,default,*,question,0,no,#,default);
    [16:39:15] - INF - writeSocketConn 135 bytes
    [16:39:15] - DBG - [DS]: Got event
    [16:39:15] - DBG - [DS]: Set()
    [16:39:15] - DBG - writeSocketConn
    [16:39:15] - DBG - Set(list,font,medium);
    [16:39:15] - INF - writeSocketConn 22 bytes
    [16:39:16] - DBG - readResultsFile >9<
    [16:39:16] - DBG - sendData() >33<
    [16:39:16] - DBG - send to dispatcher 1
    [16:39:16] - DBG - Command: ExecAndSet FINISHED
    [16:39:16] - INF - processOneCommand >/tmp/AllInOneUpload.start< >no exec params< >1<
    [16:39:16] - DBG - substParams >/tmp/AllInOneUpload.start<
    [16:39:16] - INF - Command: Load
    [16:39:16] - DBG - loadCmds
    [16:39:16] - DBG - Retrieved line Macro(LOAD_FILE)
     of length 17 
    [16:39:16] - DBG - execDynamically
    [16:39:16] - INF - processOneCommand >LOAD_FILE< >no exec params< >1<
    [16:39:16] - INF - Command: Macro
    [16:39:16] - DBG - macroCmd/timerCmd
    [16:39:16] - DBG - findItemInMode >_ALL_IN_ONE_,LOAD_FILE<
    [16:39:16] - DBG - handleCmdByKey() >LOAD_FILE<
    [16:39:16] - DBG - getCommand for >LOAD_FILE<
    [16:39:16] - INF - processOneCommand >text,replace,Wait,Wait ...< >no exec params< >1<
    [16:39:16] - DBG - substParams >text,replace,Wait,Wait ...<
    [16:39:16] - INF - Command: Set
    [16:39:16] - INF - Data is new
    [16:39:16] - DBG - send to dispatcher 1
    [16:39:16] - INF - processOneCommand >$(home)/.anyRemote/AllInOneTmp.cfg< >no exec params< >1<
    [16:39:16] - DBG - substParams >$(home)/.anyRemote/AllInOneTmp.cfg<
    [16:39:16] - DBG - searchVar() OK
    [16:39:16] - DBG - Add bytes: 7
    [16:39:16] - DBG - Allocate >42< bytes for parametrized command
    [16:39:16] - DBG - cur cmd >$(home)/.anyRemote/AllInOneTmp.cfg<
    [16:39:16] - DBG - papameterized >$(home)/.anyRemote/AllInOneTmp.cfg<
    [16:39:16] - DBG - substitute: searchVar() OK
    [16:39:16] - DBG - cmd var value >/home/matthias<
    [16:39:16] - DBG - cur cmd >/.anyRemote/AllInOneTmp.cfg<
    [16:39:16] - DBG - no more parameters
    [16:39:16] - DBG - cur cmd >/home/matthias/.anyRemote/AllInOneTmp.cfg<
    [16:39:16] - DBG - final cmd >/home/matthias/.anyRemote/AllInOneTmp.cfg< 14
    [16:39:16] - INF - Command: Include
    [16:39:16] - DBG - findMode() default = default
    [16:39:16] - DBG - findMode() _ALL_IN_ONE_ = _ALL_IN_ONE_
    [16:39:16] - DBG - [DS]: Got event
    [16:39:16] - DBG - [DS]: Set()
    [16:39:16] - DBG - writeSocketConn
    [16:39:16] - DBG - Set(text,replace,Wait,Wait ...
    [16:39:16] - INF - writeSocketConn 33 bytes
    CFG - Thu Sep 29 16:39:16 2011
    CFG - anyRemote v5.1.2
    CFG - [Mode] _ALL_IN_ONE_
    CFG -   UPLOAD6 = Macro(FILL_LIST<|>);
    CFG -   IconExists(totem) = Set(text,replace,SAME,totem OK<|>);\
    CFG -       Macro(UPLOAD6<|>);
    CFG -   IconNotExists(totem) = Set(text,replace,SAME,uploading totem\n<|>);\
    CFG -       ExecAndSet(image,icon<|>,echo 'F=`find /usr/share/icons -name totem.png|grep 16|head -1`;if [ "x$F" == "x" ]; then F=`find /usr/share/pixmaps -name "totem.*"|head -1`;F2=/tmp/totem.png;cat $F|convert - -resize 16x16 -depth 8 $F2; F=$F2; fi;echo "totem,$F"'|bash -f -s);\
    CFG -       Macro(UPLOAD6<|>);
    CFG -   UPLOAD5 = Get(is_exists,16,totem<|>);
    CFG -   IconExists(rhythmbox) = Set(text,replace,SAME,rhythmbox OK<|>);\
    CFG -       Macro(UPLOAD5<|>);
    CFG -   IconNotExists(rhythmbox) = Set(text,replace,SAME,uploading rhythmbox\n<|>);\
    CFG -       ExecAndSet(image,icon<|>,echo 'F=`find /usr/share/icons -name rhythmbox.png|grep 16|head -1`;if [ "x$F" == "x" ]; then F=`find /usr/share/pixmaps -name "rhythmbox.*"|head -1`;F2=/tmp/rhythmbox.png;cat $F|convert - -resize 16x16 -depth 8 $F2; F=$F2; fi;echo "rhythmbox,$F"'|bash -f -s);\
    CFG -       Macro(UPLOAD5<|>);
    CFG -   UPLOAD4 = Get(is_exists,16,rhythmbox<|>);
    CFG -   IconExists(mplayer) = Set(text,replace,SAME,mplayer OK<|>);\
    CFG -       Macro(UPLOAD4<|>);
    CFG -   IconNotExists(mplayer) = Set(text,replace,SAME,uploading mplayer\n<|>);\
    CFG -       ExecAndSet(image,icon<|>,echo 'F=`find /usr/share/icons -name mplayer.png|grep 16|head -1`;if [ "x$F" == "x" ]; then F=`find /usr/share/pixmaps -name "mplayer.*"|head -1`;F2=/tmp/mplayer.png;cat $F|convert - -resize 16x16 -depth 8 $F2; F=$F2; fi;echo "mplayer,$F"'|bash -f -s);\
    CFG -       Macro(UPLOAD4<|>);
    CFG -   UPLOAD3 = Get(is_exists,16,mplayer<|>);
    CFG -   IconExists(mouse) = Set(text,replace,SAME,mouse OK<|>);\
    CFG -       Macro(UPLOAD3<|>);
    CFG -   IconNotExists(mouse) = Set(text,replace,SAME,uploading mouse\n<|>);\
    CFG -       ExecAndSet(image,icon<|>,echo 'F=`find /usr/share/icons -name mouse.png|grep 16|head -1`;if [ "x$F" == "x" ]; then F=`find /usr/share/pixmaps -name "mouse.*"|head -1`;F2=/tmp/mouse.png;cat $F|convert - -resize 16x16 -depth 8 $F2; F=$F2; fi;echo "mouse,$F"'|bash -f -s);\
    CFG -       Macro(UPLOAD3<|>);
    CFG -   UPLOAD2 = Get(is_exists,16,mouse<|>);
    CFG -   IconExists(keyboard) = Set(text,replace,SAME,keyboard OK<|>);\
    CFG -       Macro(UPLOAD2<|>);
    CFG -   IconNotExists(keyboard) = Set(text,replace,SAME,uploading keyboard\n<|>);\
    CFG -       ExecAndSet(image,icon<|>,echo 'F=`find /usr/share/icons -name keyboard.png|grep 16|head -1`;if [ "x$F" == "x" ]; then F=`find /usr/share/pixmaps -name "keyboard.*"|head -1`;F2=/tmp/keyboard.png;cat $F|convert - -resize 16x16 -depth 8 $F2; F=$F2; fi;echo "keyboard,$F"'|bash -f -s);\
    CFG -       Macro(UPLOAD2<|>);
    CFG -   UPLOAD1 = Get(is_exists,16,keyboard<|>);
    CFG -   IconExists(fileopen) = Set(text,replace,SAME,fileopen OK<|>);\
    CFG -       Macro(UPLOAD1<|>);
    CFG -   IconNotExists(fileopen) = Set(text,replace,SAME,uploading fileopen\n<|>);\
    CFG -       ExecAndSet(image,icon<|>,echo 'F=`find /usr/share/icons -name fileopen.png|grep 16|head -1`;if [ "x$F" == "x" ]; then F=`find /usr/share/pixmaps -name "fileopen.*"|head -1`;F2=/tmp/fileopen.png;cat $F|convert - -resize 16x16 -depth 8 $F2; F=$F2; fi;echo "fileopen,$F"'|bash -f -s);\
    CFG -       Macro(UPLOAD1<|>);
    CFG -   UPLOAD0 = Get(is_exists,16,fileopen<|>);
    CFG -   * * = Set(text,replace,Help,Press 1, then\n choose application to manage<|>);
    CFG -   1 = Macro(SHOWSW<|>);
    CFG -   0 = Exit<|>;
    CFG -   Select($$) = Make(flush<|>);\
    CFG -       Set(title,<|>);\
    CFG -       Set(status,<|>);\
    CFG -       Include($(CfgDir)/Server-mode/$(Param).cfg<|>);\
    CFG -       Include($(CfgDir)/Server-mode/all-in-one2.cfg<|>);\
    CFG -       Macro(ALLIN1MENU<|>);
    CFG -   Back($$) = Set(list,close<|>);\
    CFG -       Set(title,all-in-one<|>);\
    CFG -       Set(status,<|>);
    CFG -   Back = Set(text,close<|>);
    CFG -   Cancel = Exit<|>;
    CFG -   REGEN_FILE = Set(text,replace,Wait,Wait ...<|>);\
    CFG -       Macro(GEN_FILE<|>);
    CFG -   Regenerate = Macro(REGEN_FILE<|>);
    CFG -   Regenerate($$) = Macro(REGEN_FILE<|>);
    CFG -   LOAD_FILE = Set(text,replace,Wait,Wait ...<|>);\
    CFG -       Include($(home)/.anyRemote/AllInOneTmp.cfg<|>);\
    CFG -       Macro(FILL_LIST<|>);
    CFG -   GEN_FILE = ExecAndSet(text,replace,Wait<|>,$(CfgDir)/Utils/ $(CfgDir);echo "Wait ....");\
    CFG -       Include($(home)/.anyRemote/AllInOneTmp.cfg<|>);\
    CFG -       Macro(UPLOAD0<|>);
    CFG -   GEN_FILE_IF = Exec(<|>rm -f /tmp/AllInOneUpload.start;echo 'S="GEN_FILE";if [ -f $HOME/.anyRemote/AllInOneTmp.cfg ]; then S="LOAD_FILE"; fi; echo "Macro($S)" > /tmp/AllInOneUpload.start;'|bash -f -s);\
    CFG -       ExecAndSet(text,replace,Wait<|>,sleep 1;echo "Wait ...");\
    CFG -       Load(/tmp/AllInOneUpload.start<|>);
    CFG -   SHOWSW = Macro(GEN_FILE_IF<|>);
    CFG -   ALL_IN_ONE_SETUP = Set(icons,All-in-one,1,plus,2,default,3,default,4,default,5,default,6,default,7,default,8,default,9,default,*,question,0,no,#,default<|>);\
    CFG -       Set(list,font,medium<|>);
    CFG -   (EnterMode) = Make(var,home<|>,echo $HOME);\
    CFG -       Macro(ALL_IN_ONE_SETUP<|>);\
    CFG -       Macro(SHOWSW<|>);
    CFG - [ModeEnd] _ALL_IN_ONE_
    CFG - [Mode] default
    CFG -   FILL_LIST = Set(iconlist,replace,Applications,fileopen:fileManager2,keyboard:keyboard,mouse:mouse,mplayer:mplayer,rhythmbox:rhythmbox,totem:totem<|>);\
    CFG -       Set(menu,replace,Select,Regenerate<|>);
    CFG -   69 = no command
    CFG -   -8 = no command
    CFG -   -11 = no command
    CFG -   POWER = Macro(#<|>);
    CFG -   TEXT = Macro(*<|>);
    CFG -   All-in-1 = Make(mode<|>,_ALL_IN_ONE_);
    CFG -   ALLIN1MENU = Set(menu,add,All-in-1<|>);
    CFG -   (Connect) = Set(parameter,debug,on<|>);\
    CFG -       Make(mode<|>,_ALL_IN_ONE_);
    CFG -   (Init) = Include($(CfgDir)/Utils/aliases-server.cfg<|>);\
    CFG -       Make(var,from_utf<|>,by_value,);\
    CFG -       Make(var,to_utf<|>,by_value,);
    CFG - [ModeEnd] default
    CFG - [Variables]
    CFG -   home    -> /home/matthias
    CFG -   to_utf  -> (empty)
    CFG -   from_utf    -> (empty)
    CFG -   IViewer     -> false
    CFG -   ToMainMenu  -> E
    CFG -   TwoWayComm  -> false
    CFG -   ServiceName     -> anyRemote
    CFG -   RetrySeconds    -> 60
    CFG -   Logging     -> debug
    CFG -   Device  -> bluetooth
    CFG -   CmerOn  -> (empty)
    CFG -   CmerOff     -> (empty)
    CFG -   CharSet     -> 8859-1
    CFG -   Baudrate    -> 19200
    CFG -   AutoRepeat  -> false
    CFG -   AutoConnect     -> true
    CFG -   MixerChannel    -> Master
    CFG -   MixerCard   -> 0
    CFG -   Dbus    -> yes
    CFG -   Bluez   -> yes
    CFG -   Xtest   -> yes
    CFG -   CfgDir  -> /usr/share/anyremote/cfg-data/Server-mode/..
    CFG -   Home    -> /home/matthias
    CFG - [End]
    [16:39:16] - DBG - isNew 0 isConnected 1
    [16:39:16] - INF - processOneCommand >FILL_LIST< >no exec params< >1<
    [16:39:16] - INF - Command: Macro
    [16:39:16] - DBG - macroCmd/timerCmd
    [16:39:16] - DBG - findItemInMode >_ALL_IN_ONE_,FILL_LIST<
    [16:39:16] - DBG - findItemInMode: No parameters suspected. Item does not found.
    [16:39:16] - DBG - findItem() search in default
    [16:39:16] - DBG - findItemInMode >default,FILL_LIST<
    [16:39:16] - DBG - handleCmdByKey() >FILL_LIST<
    [16:39:16] - DBG - getCommand for >FILL_LIST<
    [16:39:16] - INF - processOneCommand >iconlist,replace,Applications,fileopen:fileManager2,keyboard:keyboard,mouse:mouse,mplayer:mplayer,rhythmbox:rhythmbox,totem:totem< >no exec params< >1<
    [16:39:16] - DBG - substParams >iconlist,replace,Applications,fileopen:fileManager2,keyboard:keyboard,mouse:mouse,mplayer:mplayer,rhythmbox:rhythmbox,totem:totem<
    [16:39:16] - INF - Command: Set
    [16:39:16] - INF - Data is new
    [16:39:16] - DBG - send to dispatcher 1
    [16:39:16] - INF - processOneCommand >menu,replace,Select,Regenerate< >no exec params< >1<
    [16:39:16] - DBG - substParams >menu,replace,Select,Regenerate<
    [16:39:16] - INF - Command: Set
    [16:39:16] - INF - Data is new
    [16:39:16] - DBG - send to dispatcher 1
    [16:39:16] - DBG - handleHook() >3<
    [16:39:16] - DBG - loadCmds
    [16:39:16] - DBG - [DS]: Got event
    [16:39:16] - DBG - [DS]: Set()
    [16:39:16] - DBG - writeSocketConn
    [16:39:16] - DBG - Set(text,replace,Wait,Wait ...);
    [16:39:16] - INF - writeSocketConn 32 bytes
    [16:39:16] - DBG - [DS]: Got event
    [16:39:16] - DBG - [DS]: Set()
    [16:39:16] - DBG - writeSocketConn
    [16:39:16] - DBG - Set(iconlist,replace,Applications,fileopen:fileManager2,keyboard:keyboard,mouse:mouse,mplayer:mplayer,rhythmbox:rhythmbox,totem:totem);
    [16:39:16] - INF - writeSocketConn 135 bytes
    [16:39:16] - DBG - [DS]: Got event
    [16:39:16] - DBG - [DS]: Set()
    [16:39:16] - DBG - writeSocketConn
    [16:39:16] - DBG - Set(menu,replace,Select,Regenerate);
    [16:39:16] - INF - writeSocketConn 36 bytes
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [DS]: -------------------- Command read --------------------
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [DS]: parseCommand >+CKEV: 5,1<
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [DS]: Send message to executor thread
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [EX]: got event
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [EX]: got key >+CKEV: 5,1<
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [EX]: handle_command
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [EX]: handle_key_press() >5<
    [16:39:22] - DBG - findItemInMode >_ALL_IN_ONE_,5<
    [16:39:22] - DBG - findItemInMode: Item does not found
    [16:39:22] - DBG - findItem() search in default
    [16:39:22] - DBG - findItemInMode >default,5<
    [16:39:22] - DBG - findItemInMode: Item does not found
    [16:39:22] - DBG - findItem() internal mode
    [16:39:22] - DBG - No approprite key definition was found by findItem()
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [DS]: -------------------- Command read --------------------
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [DS]: parseCommand >+CKEV: 5,0<
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [DS]: Send message to executor thread
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [EX]: got event
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [EX]: got key >+CKEV: 5,0<
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [EX]: handle_command
    [16:39:22] - DBG - [EX]: Clean auto repeat flag
    [16:39:26] - DBG - [ML]: aboutToExit
    [16:39:26] - DBG - [ML]: aboutToExit: join executor
    [16:39:26] - DBG - [ML]: aboutToExit: join dispatcher
    [16:39:26] - DBG - send to dispatcher 100
    [16:39:26] - DBG - [DS]: Got event
    [16:39:26] - INF - [DS]: Got exit event
    [16:39:26] - INF - [DS]: Got exit event: send disconnect message
    [16:39:26] - DBG - writeSocketConn
    [16:39:26] - DBG - Set(disconnect);
    [16:39:26] - INF - writeSocketConn 16 bytes
  • Mike

    Mike - 2011-10-03

    And which items present in menu ?

  • Mike

    Mike - 2011-10-03

    Could You please try:
    1. use wi-fi connection instead of bluetooth one
    2. use simple cfg.file for testing purposes (like cfg-data/Server-mode/customizeClient.cfg)

  • Ian Smith

    Ian Smith - 2011-10-07


    I had the same problem so tried your proposals.

    1. I cannot connect via wi-fi. I'd really like to, but that is probably better dealt with in a separate thread.

    2. Yes, the .cfg file does seem to be the problem. I was able to get customizeClient.cfg working.

    3. smplayer.cfg also works partially. The part that doesn't work is the file open section. It opens in the current directory, and you can scroll through it, but you cannot open files subdirectories. My phone is a Samsung Galaxy Mini. Perhaps this problem is specific to the hardware.

    I'm happy to help test if you have other recommendations.

  • Ian Smith

    Ian Smith - 2011-10-07

    Sorry, that should have read: "but you cannot open files or subdirectories.

  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2011-10-08

    Sorry, I do not have wireless here (though my phone and laptop have wireless, I think I still need a wireless router, right?).

    I updated anyremote to the latest version and tried customizeClient.cfg, but it didn't work. Here's a picture what it actually looks like on the phone:

    thailandian, what did you change to make the config file work?

  • Ian Smith

    Ian Smith - 2011-10-08

    @ Saney2
    If you want to try wireless, you could set up your Android as a "hotspot". Just google "android hotspot howto". Actually, I will try the same as it would eliminate any connectivity problems going via the router.

    I didn't do anything to make the config file work - it just worked out of the box. However, I've since noticed that I sometimes get the same effect if the bluetooth connection is not quite right. Unpairing and repairing generally fixes it.

    Good luck.

  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2011-10-09

    Thanks for your suggestions on the wireless issue. Unfortunately, I have a branded Hero (T-Mobile G2) and I'm stuck with Android 2.1, so I cannot use it as an AP. I will not root my Android, in my opinion it's too dangerous. Also I tried to use my computer as AP, but I can only create an ad-hoc AP which cannot be seen by Android.

    However, the Bluetooth connection should be fine, as I noticed the following: If I press one of the locks, there is actually data transferred (I can see it with the gnome bluetooth applet "blueman"). Also, for every press on a lock there's a section "command read" in the log.

    Also, from this page I learned that the lock means "button not assigned" - so I guess it's an issue with the config files.

  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2011-10-09

    Oh, that's interesting! I just tried mouse.cfg: There's the same picture as above, BUT I can actually move the mouse :-) . I guess I'll try rebuilding the APK, maybe there's something wrong with it.

  • Mike

    Mike - 2011-10-18

    >anyRemote connects, but shows just locks
    try to disconnect (use menu->Disconnect) and then connect again.
    in my case it helps

  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2011-11-22

    So just in case someone who is reading is wondering if I could figure it out: Nope. I'm using premotedroid right now, but I'll keep an eye on this project, because I like the idea of having configurable buttons for each application. At this point I'd like to say thank you for developing this program :-)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-05-24

    I found this while looking for an answer to the same problem. I ended up putting "-i" on the command line (directory was not required) and the icons showed up.


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