
Client wont start on Sony Ericsson W380

  • JaM0N

    JaM0N - 2009-10-17


    Ive tried to run all the java clients on my phone and none works, it just show the anyRemote text below the icon and followed by a progresive bar that makes no progress… and remains still there.

    Dont know if its a phone issue or what it is…

    Also when I start ganyRemote alerts me "Bluetooth service is not active"
    and in the Devise Browser dont show anything.

    Halp 'n Thanks

  • Mike

    Mike - 2009-10-23

    >"Bluetooth service is not active"
    Do You use the latest ganyremote ? if not, please update.

    >the java clients on my phone and none works
    which version of java client do You tried ?


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