
Anuga + GIS platform

  • genuis_idiot

    genuis_idiot - 2008-07-10

    I am not sure how many of you using QGIS. But the recent progress seems promising. It has seamless integration with Python and GRASS.
    I was thinking, maybe it is daft idea, to use QGIS as a platform for pre processing/post processing the models. In that way, you have the endless power of GIS from GRASS behind it as well!
    Let me know what you think. I have a good experience in GIS and also using several hydraulic model packages and will be more than happy to help.


    • Ole Nielsen

      Ole Nielsen - 2008-07-10

      Thanks for your posting and the excellent suggestion.
      I have used QGIS a bit and am very keen on some sort of integration between ANUGA and the open source GIS products.
      This is also something that has been suggested by other members of the ANUGA mailing list.

      I, personally, won't have the time to pursue the development of a GIS front end as the ANUGA engine and related tasks are plenty to keep me busy. I would, however, be happy to assist and help coordinate such an effort.

      I will put your suggestion to Ted Rigby and Rudy van Drie who have been giving some thought to a GIS front end and I hope that such a product will emerge as ANUGA matures.

      Best regards
      Ole Nielsen

    • genuis_idiot

      genuis_idiot - 2008-07-10

      Excellent. I am glad that it is not such a daft idea after all!
      As I mentioned, I am quite familiar with using QGis and Grass for day to day tasks and learning Python for some scripting at the moment. But if any one wants to persue the idea, I am more than happy to do any sort of help.

      • Ole Nielsen

        Ole Nielsen - 2008-07-11

        Hi again

        Thanks for your interest in ANUGA

        There are many others who would be interested in a QGIS frontend to ANUGA and who would like to discuss such with you.
        Is there any change you'll be in Canberra, Australia at some point in the near future?
        We are hosting an ANUGA workshop in September which would be the perfect occasion to discuss further.

        Best regards
        Ole Nielsen

    • Rudy

      Rudy - 2008-07-11

      Hi Sab,
      Rudy here,
      Yes several of us have been watching with much interest as QGis continues to develop. Also with the idea that it would be a great tool to develop a Model builder and Viewer etc.

      I am very new to Python, but with Ole's help have been able to impliment Rainfall and now Culvert Structures in ANUGA, so I am hoping that building a model builder in QGIS is do-able...

      If you are keen it would be good to attempt to collaborate in some way !!

      What are your thoughts ?

      Regards Rudy

    • genuis_idiot

      genuis_idiot - 2008-09-09

      Hi Rudy

      I am working/comparing a couple of hydraulic modelling packages for rainfall-runoff modelling. Did you include your code in the latest version of Anuga?

      Many thanks

    • genuis_idiot

      genuis_idiot - 2009-07-17

      Dear all

      I have uploaded a couple of plugins for QGIS ( to automate mesh generation and model setup. You can download them from here:



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