
Ant's Nest / News: Recent posts

Ant's Nest Banshee Released

Ant's Nest, the GUI editor for Ant build files, is proud to announce its latest release, 'Banshee'. More information can be found on the project website,

Posted by Chris 2005-08-11

The Ant Meta-Model

A discussion on the 'Ant Meta-Model' has been uploaded to and also contained in it is a first draft schema for the model. This only covers the basics at the moment and is likely to be modified/added to as more complex modelling issues arise.

Posted by Chris 2004-07-26

Use Case Diagram Up

The use case diagram has been uploaded to the CVS server, a Microsoft Visio and JPEG version can be found in the directory. You may notice in the diagram an 'Ant Meta-Model' sub-system is mentioned. There will be a document released explaining this fairly soon.

Posted by Chris 2004-07-22

Use Cases Created

A detailed use case specification has been generated from the project requirements, beginning to shape the system. Read it at

Posted by Chris 2004-07-01

Inception Phase Complete

The 'Inception' USDP phase of the project is complete now and you can now download a zip file containing all relevant documents, including a risk register for the project. This archive can be downloaded directly from the project summary page under "Latest File Releases".

Posted by Chris 2004-06-25

Requirements Identified

A first draft requirements document for the project has been produced, you can find it at however as this is an iterative project it is likely new requirements will be identified along the way and added.

Posted by Chris 2004-06-21

Objectives Set

The Ant's Nest Mission Statement was released today, highlighting the problems this project hopes to solve. Check it out at

Posted by Chris 2004-06-18