
Installation of ANTLR IDE on Kepler

Bruno M
  • Bruno M

    Bruno M - 2013-04-05

    I'm trying to install ANTLR IDE on Kepler.

    I get the following message:

    Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
    Software being installed: ANTLR IDE- Viz (
    Missing requirement: ANTLR IDE- Viz ( requires 'org.eclipse.dltk.core [3.0.0,4.0.0)' but it could not be found

    I do, however, have DLTK version 4… what can be wrong then?

    See image below:

    I understand that officially only Indigo is supported, so I'm wondering if the fact that I'm using Kepler is that cause of my problem and if I can circumvent it or if I absolutely need to downgrade to Indigo ?

    Thanks a lot for your help.

  • Bruno M

    Bruno M - 2013-04-05

    Someone on the eclipse forums suggested a solution to me, which apparently works perfectly. I post it here so that others might benefit from it too.

    I uninstalled the Kepler DLTK packages (which are v4.0.0).
    Then I changed the update path to to Preferences>Install/Update>Available Software Sites and installed the corresponding DLTK (which is v3.0.0).
    Then I installed ANTLR from

    It seems to work fine.

  • yamayama

    yamayama - 2013-09-26

    in kepler
    1. first install 3.0 version dltk
    install new softWare -> available Software sites -> add
    -> General Purpose Tools
    Dynamic Languages Toolkit - Core Frameworks 3.0.0.v20101211-0331-7l-2ED-z0UkhYdtV3_LBO
    Dynamic Languages Toolkit - Remote Development Support 2.0.0.v20101211-0331-5--9oA5858A8_27_8H
    2. Antlr install
    help -> EclipseMarketPlace -> find -> antlr IED install


    Last edit: yamayama 2013-09-26

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