
AutoSuggest && TextDuringCallBack

  • ouadie karouite

    ouadie karouite - 2008-12-15


    why the property TextDuringCallBack work officently with the checkbox  control and don't work with the AutoSuggest TextBox control ....
    The question is : i must add some thing to the AutoSuggestTextBox control for working with you additive property TextDuringCallBack ?

    thank you so much for helping

    best wiches,

    • Andy Miller

      Andy Miller - 2008-12-15

      Yes, you will have to add code to support TextDuringCallBack.

      No, I don't know what that code would be.

    • ouadie karouite

      ouadie karouite - 2008-12-15

      yes i will to have add message (exemple wait ) to TextDuringCallBack property but not working??


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