
#187 Cannot build from cpptasks-1.0b4.tar.gz

cpptasks (103)

In release 1.0b4, file build/libs/cpptasks.jar as built
by ant and build.xml is unusable for ant to process
build files containing cc-tasks. Ant complains that it
cannot find the cc-task.

The ultimate cause for this problem seems to be that
file net/sf/antcontrib/cpptasks/antlib.xml is missing
from the second copy task in the dist target in file
build.xml. Therefore file
net/sf/antcontrib/cpptasks/antlib.xml is missing from
the .tar.gz file.

When building file cpptasks.jar in the unpacked .tar.gz
file, the jar target in the jars target silently skips
the missing file antlib.xml. (This behavior could be
regarded as a bug in ant.)

Mysteriously, file
net/sf/antcontrib/cpptasks/antlib.xml is present in
file cpptasks.jar in the top directory of the .tar.gz
file. Therefore this file cpptasks.jar, contrary to the
one built in build/libs/, can be used by ant.

Copying the missing file from the CVS repository timed
out. The version from SVN drags in file
net/sf/antcontrib/, which
introduces the need for taskdef class
net.sf.antcontrib.logic.TimestampSelector. That's what
you get for mixing releases ...


  • Bahco

    Bahco - 2006-10-26

    Logged In: YES

    I've succesfully download file net/sf/antcontrib/cpptasks/antlib.xml from CVS, and now I
    can build a usable cpptasks.jar. The attached file build.xml.diff patches file build.xml
    to include file net/sf/antcontrib/cpptasks/antlib.xml in target dist.

    Note that the CVS changelog for file net/sf/antcontrib/cpptasks/antlib.xml mentions bug
    945705, which seems to be related to this problem.

  • Bahco

    Bahco - 2006-10-26

    Patch build.xml to include antlib.xml in dist.


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