
#14 dependencies broken on cygwin when directories change

Steve Drach

The following short task works as expected on x86
Linux, but not on Solaris 8. In Linux dependencies.xml
and history.xml are created,
but in Solaris they are not there. Under Solaris the
.c file is always
compiled even if it or the .h file is not changed.

<project name="test" default="cpp" basedir=".">
<taskdef resource="cpptasks.tasks"/>
<typedef resource="cpptasks.types"/>
<target name="cpp">
<cc objdir="." outfile="sjd" outtype="executable">
<fileset dir="." includes="sjd.c"/>
<includepath path="."/>


  • Marcus Lindblom Sonestedt

    Logged In: YES

    This happens to me under cygwin, when run from a different
    directory from where the history/dep-files were created first
    (with our without the same relative path to the sources).

  • Curt Arnold

    Curt Arnold - 2004-04-24

    Logged In: YES

    I tried rebuilding the cppunit project on Solaris and
    dependency analysis worked as expected. If the problem still
    persists on Solaris, please let me know.

    I expect to do some more testing of Cygwin and will try to
    detect if the problem is still there, so I'm keeping the bug

  • Curt Arnold

    Curt Arnold - 2004-04-24
    • summary: header files not checked on Solaris --> dependencies broken on cygwin when directories change
  • Curt Arnold

    Curt Arnold - 2004-05-18

    Logged In: YES

    When creating a console app using Cygwin gcc, the history is checked for
    "testapp" not "testapp.exe" which forces a relink everytime. Filename
    expectations for gcc on Windows needs to reflect platform, but probably
    something best done during cross-compilation refactoring.

  • Marcus Lindblom Sonestedt

    Logged In: YES

    More info related to this. When compiling from a
    cygwin-shell, dependencies do not work. When compiling from
    NT/XP-shell (cmd.exe) or launching from VisualStudio, it does.

    We use msvc to compile, btw, and the latest cpptask (1.0b3).


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