"AndroidSidebar" is an Android-library, which provides a custom view implementation, which allows to show a sidebar, which overlaps the view's main content and can be shown or hidden in an animated manner. The sidebar may be located at left or right edge of the parent view and its state can be changed by either calling an appropriate method or via dragging on the device's touch screen. Furthermore there are a lot of attributes, which allow to specify the appearance and behavior of the sidebar.
An Android test project, which provides JUnit tests for this library, is available via the URL https://sourceforge.net/p/androidsidebartest.
An Android app, which implements an use case, using this library, can be found via the internet address https://sourceforge.net/p/androidsidebarexample.
- The sidebar can be located at left or right edge of its parent view.
- The width of the sidebar can be set relatively to the width of its parent view. Additionally, a maximum width can be defined.
- It is possible to specify an offset, which defines the amount of space the sidebar is visible even if it currently hidden. The offset can be set relatively to the width of the parent view and a maximum value can be defined.
- The way, the main content is animated, when the sidebar becomes shown or hidden, can be adjusted in many ways, including the possibility to move it or to resize it.
- The sidebar's state can be changed via drag gestures or by clicking the touch screen of the device. For each possibility multiple settings exist, e.g. it is possible to change the sensibility for recognizing drag gestures.
- The speed of the animation, which is used to show or hide the sidebar, can be chosen freely.
- The sidebar may render a semi-transparent shadow in front of the main content, whose appearance can be adjusted concerning size and color.
- It is possible to fade in a semi-transparent overlay, which is shown in front of the main content, when the sidebar becomes shown. The transparency and color of the overlay can be adjusted.