
amigift / News: Recent posts

AMIGIFT 2.1 has been released.

We are proud to announce the immediate availability of AMIGIFT Version 2.1, the list of changes since the last public release is as follow:

$Id: ChangeLog,v 13.0 2010/04/11 19:07:25 diegocr Exp $


* The number of sources shown on the result's bubble-help wasn't
correct, also fixed those buble-helps to trim strings up to
100 characters, otherwise they don't open on certain screenmodes.

2010-03-30... read more

Posted by Diego Casorran 2010-05-07

AMIGIFT 2.0 Released!

The AMIGIFT Project Team is proud to announce the inmediate availability of the Final 2.0 Release. AMIGIFT is a peer-to-peer filesharing application which connect to several networks at once by using plug-ins. Furthermore, it isn't another simple port but a 100% AmigaOS Native Application, and thanks to its dinamically loadable system to plugins it's not limited to the current know network plugins, being new plugins easly created. And, of course, it includes a full-featured Graphical User Interface, made using MUI. (Read More)... read more

Posted by Diego Casorran 2009-06-01

AMIGIFT 2.0 has gone gold ;-)

This message is to inform all you we are working on the final public release, which should be available shortly. We know making an announcement of an announcement isn't nice.. but we consider it`s needed due the last pre-release build status...

In the meanwhile, we encourage you to take some time reading the new documentation, available from the following link, so that you get familiar with everything at time the release goes out:... read more

Posted by Diego Casorran 2008-09-11

New PRE-Release available!

On July 2007, a new pre-release archive have been made available which indeed should work LOTS better than previous builds! (mainly some bugs fixed on the daemon which has made previous builds to lost connections and related issues, being uploads working again as well, in the GUI side, giFTMui should be very stable, and we are about to affirm nearly bug-free...almost, or that we hope)

It have already been reported to be working on all AmigaOSs (OS3, MOS, OS4, users of AmigaOS4 *requires* to upgrade his system to the os4-update released this month to make amigift working properly...)... read more

Posted by Diego Casorran 2007-08-01

AMIGIFT 2.0 PRE-Release

due the long period our slow development is taken on the 2.0 to go out we decided to release an end-user distribution of our current work, as the users are requesting it, you can download it from the following url:

NOTE thats an under development build which will contains bugs *for sure*!...

The two most important changes to mention are:

1) MUI Interface has been converted to use Custom Classes for everything, with lots of improvements and fixes.... read more

Posted by Diego Casorran 2006-07-18

AMIGIFT v1.1.2 "urgent fix" available.

It fixes two "serious" new bugs (an other little ones), the first one downloading from OpenFT (which the full path isn't properly striped), and the second when using the sources list which on many sources it could freezee... (additionally his NList parser has been optimized so it works lots faster).

Also, a mangled sample was causing hits when using v41sound.datatype, Thanks to Hexaae who fixed it.... read more

Posted by Diego Casorran 2004-10-29

AMIGIFT v1.1.1 Update - The bigest BUGFIX package!

Hello all, here it is... with more than 10 bugs fixed and some others optimizations and improvements this is the bigest bugfix update available until todays date...which makes a good chance to get it working more faster and stable... I would like to thank to all who supported it submiting reports and ideas, there is still some work to do but Im sure with your help it will be at the end a totally stable program! ;)... read more

Posted by Diego Casorran 2004-10-23

Low stack size for nList class Fixed (Bug Report #1039646)

Download and patch:

Apply with:

C:GPatch LIBS:amigift.library amigift.library_<CPU>.pch DIRECT

Posted by Diego Casorran 2004-10-04

AMIGIFT v1.1 Released

The Most important changes are the follow:

- Compatible with MorphOS and AmigaOS4(*)
- Removed rehashing on startup (unless you want it)
- Latests daemon and plugin versions
- The chat should work just fine...
- Code and speedup optimizations

More details on the changelog:

PLEASE NOTE that this version is just a "quick" release since the previous has been expired... soon we will upload a real (almost) bugfree version...... read more

Posted by Diego Casorran 2004-10-03

New bugfix update

1) Fixed ramlib trouble, which on systems without a ramlib-stack-patch causes amigift to freezee on startup, now the purpose of such a patch is performed by amigift.library at LibInit() stage increasing the ramlib stack to 16KB...and loading here everything* amigift (and third part resources) needs to work properly (even if not used at this point), as well checking for latest versions. .- ... read more

Posted by Diego Casorran 2004-05-10


Fixed bug #946324 - changed min rexxsyslib.library version required to v36 - fixed some hits and memory leak at amigift.library - changed the procedure on how the chat scroll go down... - some minor cleanups.

Posted by Diego Casorran 2004-05-03


Wow, Almost 8 months in the making, AMIGIFT v1.0 finally has been released!, amigift is a p2p filesharing system using the giFT daemon, he can connect to Gnutella (Limewire, Acquisition, ...), FastTrack (Kazaa, Grokster, iMesh, ...), and OpenFT. Includes a user friendly Graphic Interface created using MUI. Take a look at the website sections for more info!

Posted by Diego Casorran 2004-05-01