
Feature request - play music on server

  • Ian Collins

    Ian Collins - 2005-11-27

    Great - any PC in my house can share click on a song and play it on their local box. But my server box has the good soundsystem hooked up.
    So how easy would it be to click on songs and have the server play them.

    OK - it would be a security flaw, but thats what firewalls are for.


    • Ryan Loebs

      Ryan Loebs - 2005-12-06

      Hmm, this is really out of the range of what this script provides but unless it's already been done I'd take the challenge of cooking it up :P

      Thanks for the input, as always ;)


      • JackandJohn

        JackandJohn - 2006-04-04

        Hrm, now that I can conceptualize it, I would definately help out/code it all if you like.. basically I'm thinking:

        case 4{
        generate "play.pls" and save to chosen temp dir (via config.php)

        { run "amarok play.pls" }

        (play.pls consists of file=(actual dir)/(actual file) instead of the http reference)

        That /should/; clear the currently running playlist, and play the songs in order on the server. Not only that, but it would update play counts, and process all the scripts on the playlist (submit to, etc)

        Could possibly even have a couple buttons along the top if config is set to play on server: play, pause, stop, previous song, and next song; Depending on if amarok supports that through command-line arguments.

        The more I play with the code, the more I like it, and the more inspired I get :)

      • JackandJohn

        JackandJohn - 2006-04-07

        One thing to note that I just realised; since the web server is (usually) not running as a regular user, that would have to be taken into account (have it already running, or start as $user (config.php, again).

        There may be solutions I am not aware of at this point; brainstorming :)

    • JackandJohn

      JackandJohn - 2006-03-26

      Here's a project that looks like it does exactly that, and with the same php/MtSQL setup:

      Maybe it could be integrated as "server playlist", or type: 4 - Play on server.

      Would be good for pdas, psps,, cell phones(ish) or any other small web devices

    • Hítalo Rodrigo

      Hítalo Rodrigo - 2008-01-04

      If you use Firefox, try "AmaroK XUL Remote" extension.


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