
Alexis Make / News: Recent posts

AMake 2.10.21 release

As I needed to recompile AMake, I noticed that one file was generating a warning (grammar.c). I fixed it so it compiles as is with gcc v4.1.2.

That's pretty much it on this one...


Posted by Alexis Wilke 2007-03-05

AMake 2.10.20 -- several bug fixes

This release is mainly bug fixes: the $(wildcard ...), a .NULL usage and the -- line skipped -- output at last gone!

At some point I will have a dotar script (see the sswf project) which will create all the versions at once. At that time I'll upload them all at once too...


Posted by Alexis Wilke 2005-05-18

AMake 2.10.19 -- mainly bug fixes

This version fixes several bugs different people including myself found in AMake. Also, it has a better way to handle patterns filenames (/this/ is equal to //this// now).

This version also compiles under Mac OS/X 10.3.x
I will soon put a pre-compiled version of Mac users (and also IRIX users...)


Posted by Alexis Wilke 2005-02-08


Hi everyone,

This is more or less what happened in V2.10.18 from v17.

Some additional case fixes.

Changes to support spaces "properly" (with variable patterns which now force an "unquote" call).

Remove quotes when printing messages (#echo, #error or #warn pre-processor commands)

The fix for the spaces should be very useful for these people who have filenames including spaces! This will now work:... read more

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2004-01-04

AMake 2.10.17 -- case sensitivity fix

I made a fix to the case sensitivity so the patterns will accept A-Z and a-z wherever you use a letter.
In other words, a pattern such as %.o will accept file names such as "MyStuff.O".

Note: this is only when --case-insensitive is in use.

Also, in --silent mode, nothing is printed, not even the "<my file> is up to date".

Let me know if you have any problem!


Posted by Alexis Wilke 2003-10-27

AMake 2.10.16 -- available now

This version includes a few fixes from V2.10.15 which I was sure would need some fixes! Let me know if you have any problem at all with the newer version.

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2003-10-07

AMake 2.10.15

A fairly major update to AMake.

Includes many more features, fixes, a reviewed documentation and much much more.

Among the new features: support for the Watcom Make and some of the new GNUmake features (such as the $(call ...) variable function).

One of the cool new option is the .AUTODEPEND or the --auto-depend command line option which can be used in replacement of the $(<var>:I) syntax.

Another good addition: the target/variable pairs:... read more

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2003-09-24

AMake 2.10.14

Fixed a bug to do with the empty lists of words (or at least seamingly empty lists when the :: operator is used and no word matches)

That's it for this time.


Posted by Alexis Wilke 2003-06-28

AMake v2.10.13 - win32 version available

Just added the MS-Windows version. It's compiled
with MinGW. Let me know if you have any problem
with any DLL. It should be statically linked but hey...
Well, if you're like me and you have MinGW you
won't have a problem 8-)


Posted by Alexis Wilke 2002-11-14

AMake v2.10.13 - a small fix

AMake is very much mature. Only very small fixes
are applied now a day.

I found a case which would hang AMake. That was
with file names such as: ../../myfile. AMake would
first check the path, and at times get an empty
string. Case which wasn't handled properly.


Posted by Alexis Wilke 2002-11-13

Release 2.10.12 -- Win32 fixes

This version mainly has fixes so the tool compiles
without warning with VC++ v6.x

If you already have Release 2.10.11 and are
using a Unix system, you don't need to download
this newer version.

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2002-10-30