
#29 can not save settings under W2K


Under windows 2000 the server settings can not be


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Same issue here. I expect Althea may be looking for a tilde
    path (for the home directory) even under Windows.

    Creating a /etc/althearc file with settings will get Althea to
    check an account when you launch it, however it fails
    with "Select a server first" when you then click on the "Check
    Mail" button.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    This should be documented somewhere... maybe.

    After a bit more experiementing tonight I discovered that the
    following needs to be in setup with Althea *closed*:
    1. Create a folder with *no* spaces in its name nor in the
    name of its parents, eg: c:\home, or c:\usr\local\fnerk
    2. Create a User Environment variable called HOME which
    contains the full path to the directory you created. You can
    do this by the following:
    a. Bring up the System control panel (Windows-Pause).
    b. Click on the Advanced tab.
    c. Click on the Environment Variables... button.
    d. In the user variables section, click the New... button.
    e. Name it "HOME" and set the value to "c:\home"
    or "c:\usr\local\fnerk"
    f. Click OK all the way back.
    3. Start Althea and create/edit a server configuration. When
    you click OK you should notice a ".althearc" file appear in your
    selected directory.

    I'd like to see Althea handle spaces in the folder path and
    even create the necessary folder path to save the .althearc
    file, but it's not a show-stopper so long as people can be
    made aware of the requirements.


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