
#20 Setting font property


Changing font property through the icon of the main window does not have any effect on the font of the text.


  • Sylvain Loiseau

    Sylvain Loiseau - 2016-04-26

    Sorry, the font specification works on the selected text.

  • Bernard Desgraupes

    • status: open --> fixed
    • Version: 9.0a1 --> 9.0a3
  • Bernard Desgraupes

    This is fixed now. You can change the font of the current pane via the File Popup of the document windows. The font selected from the Font Panel applies to the entire document.
    Changes committed to svn (rev. 1067). The core must be rebuilt.

  • Joachim Kock

    Joachim Kock - 2016-06-11

    Thanks for fixing this!

    Although the size changes correct for the whole window, this information is not preserved upon closing the file. I seem to recall that there used to be (in earlier AlphaCocoa) a menu item (in the Unix dropdown menu) called 'Preserve Window State'. This is no longer there...

    Minor curiosity: after changing the font size, the line numbers remain at the previous size, out of synch with the new size. However, as soon as you start typing, the line numbers adjust correctly.

  • Bernard Desgraupes

    Indeed, I have temporarily removed the Preserve Window State item from the File popup because it is broken: resources and resource forks are now deprecated and a replacement must be found in order to save file info. Probably using extended file system attributes (see 'man xattr').

  • Bernard Desgraupes

    • status: fixed --> closed

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