
#49 Fail to apply, cannot find string which is there?

Wiggy boy

Hello, I am unable to apply the mod I have made for some odd reason. I cannot figure out why, the string it claims not to find, is there alright. I am however able to apply it with the original .exe ModManagar(by Notausgang).

I have included the Original file that it would try to modify, and I have included one I have modified manually.

From my debugging, trying to figure it out, I have come to some result, I don't know if it is any help though. But when copying the string I want to find, I copy X amount of characters, but when The modmanager says it couldn't find it, it says couldn't find Y amoutn of characters. X != Y. Meaning some symbols go missing or something. I suspect it might be something with the file format, because it difference in the characters was equal to the difference in linebreaks. But I have no clue to be honest.

Thanks :)

4 Attachments


Bugs: #49


  • Shirkit

    Shirkit - 2015-12-10

    Greetings Wiggyboy, glad to see you are still around. It's been years I
    don't mess with HoN, but I'll gladly do bug fixing for my older software
    (just not new features). Good to see nice members alive.

    I'll be direct: first the Cdata starts with a linefeed just after it's
    opening bracket, that alone makes room for error while processing due to:

    Second and most common error is to mix up file formats. Windows and Unix do
    not share same "new line"standards. If you are under windows, that may be
    the issue. Make sure you are editing both files in the same format, which
    should be Utf-8. Notepad++ is of a great helper.

    You need to convert the mod.XML file to utf-8 or it's to no use. If you
    have tried using Notepad++ and still face the current issue, one could try
    to use WinMerge to check for conflicts.

    If the 3 ideas fails (initial line feed, Notepad++ and Win Merge checking),
    then maybe something has changed and I indeed need to take a look at it.
    Sorry if I sound rude, but the first step is to eliminate human error. But
    since you said that coincidence of line feeds, it's probably something in
    that area, I'm sure. Maybe the behavior of the libraries in the new Java8.

    Also, it's been years since I used HoN, so I need to install it again. I'm
    going to work right now, and my laptop is not at home, it's on my friend's
    home. I'll probably get it by tomorrow, then I'll be able to check for
    possible bugs.
    On Dec 10, 2015 12:51 PM, "Wiggy boy" wrote:

    Status: open
    Group: Beta_v0.9
    Created: Thu Dec 10, 2015 03:51 PM UTC by Wiggy boy
    Last Updated: Thu Dec 10, 2015 03:51 PM UTC
    Owner: nobody

    Hello, I am unable to apply the mod I have made for some odd reason. I
    cannot figure out why, the string it claims not to find, is there alright.
    I am however able to apply it with the original .exe ModManagar(by

    I have included the Original file that it would try to modify, and I have
    included one I have modified manually.

    From my debugging, trying to figure it out, I have come to some result, I
    don't know if it is any help though. But when copying the string I want to
    find, I copy X amount of characters, but when The modmanager says it
    couldn't find it, it says couldn't find Y amoutn of characters. X != Y.
    Meaning some symbols go missing or something. I suspect it might be
    something with the file format, because it difference in the characters was
    equal to the difference in linebreaks. But I have no clue to be honest.

    Thanks :)

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    Bugs: #49

  • Wiggy boy

    Wiggy boy - 2015-12-19

    Ahh yes, it's nice to hear from you again :). I wasn't actually sure if you'd respond here or not, but thought, it's worth a try. However, don't be mistaken, I barely play HoN anymore, and I've offically left the HoN forums. However ocasionally when I do play, it's unbearable without mods. The game is just lacking so many features that could easily be added with mods.

    Anyway, Let's see here now. A few things I forgot to mention previously. I did mention it did applyusing the original.exe ModManagar(by Notausgang). However when doing that, the matchmaking.lua file becomes corrupt( or something, because it refuses to load).

    First of all, I think you're mistaken, it does not start with a linefeed right after the CDATA opening bracket, I think you've missed the "else" command.

    Secondly, I did look into the linebreak issue, as I suspected originally. My modfile was in UNIX when the matchmaking.lua file is Dos\Windows. When fixing that, the problem presisted, however this time at least the character count was exactly the same. Therefore, I rewrote the whole file in Dos\Windows, to avoid weird characters from the UNIX to Dos\Windows transistion. Problem presisted.

    I now tried using the developer mode in the ModManager file to avoid problems from the compression. However that didn't help either. So I created my own small script to try it out. with a needle.txt and went looking for it, and I did find it(I included it in the attachments). I doubt Java8 would be apart of the problem as Java is backwards compatable, which is why we keep depricated classes. It wouldn't make any sense that Java8 is the problem if you would to ask me.

    I also included 3 images, displaying both Dos\Windows, UTF-8 format, as well as the character count which is still showing a bit of odd differences. Maybe you know why? I also included the resources0.s2z with the neccesary files, so that you wouldn't have to download the game. (Though I am not sure it will work, I just took the original resources0.s2z and removed all other files, I hope it didn't corrupt it)

    Finally, I don't find you the least rude at all. I know myself how difficult it can be to find a problem, so you always to make sure human factors, and simply mistakes isn't it. Because if it is, you'll be wasting a ton of time looking for nothing. Cheers mate!

  • Wiggy boy

    Wiggy boy - 2016-01-06


  • Shirkit

    Shirkit - 2016-01-06


    I haven't forgot, it's just it was holydays here in Brazil, so I spent part of the time travelling and outside, not to mention I've got other side projects and I'm back working =P


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