
Alindis / News: Recent posts

Alindis 0.1.0 released!

This release marks the beginning of the Alindis 0.1 development line. The next "stable" release will be Alindis 0.2, which will be released on Monday, August 12, 2002, as my "Matura work" (student research project).

This version has a (very) much shorter table of contents and includes updated DocBook technology, as well as the new sandbox directory. The following sections are (partially) done. 1. Package management: 1.1. Concepts and 1.2. Existing solutions. 3. Installation: 3.1. The big goal, 3.2. Booting the PC, and 3.3. Booting from floppy disk. There are some licensing questions to be resolved and TODO's everywhere.

Posted by Felix Rabe 2002-07-17

Alindis 0.0.2 released!

Website converted to XML (Webserver and PHP no longer needed), German version of the Alindis Documentation (almost) synchron with English version. (But still no noteworthy content.) Changes to the Documentation's XSLT stylesheet.

Posted by Felix Rabe 2002-01-24

Alindis Documentation 0.0.2-pre1 online!

The upcoming guide describing the creation of a GNU/Linux distribution has got his first prerelease. (There's no alindis-0.0.2-pre1.tar archive, though.)

Here you find the complete draft of the table of contents:
And here the (incomplete, but official) Alindis Documentation itself:

Posted by Felix Rabe 2002-01-07

Alindis 0.0.1 released

Alindis is (a manual about creating) A gnu/LINux DIStribution. This release contains a working build system. Subsequent releases should feature content and the German translation.

Posted by Felix Rabe 2002-01-01