
Google Translation

  • Giles Poole

    Giles Poole - 2023-07-19

    Love the tool. The functionality to have a google back translation for checking the sense is great.. but I can't get it to work. We've tried the "Add google translation to assist reviewing" option and also tried CTRL+T for individual segments but nothing happens. Have we missed something?


    Last edit: Giles Poole 2023-07-19
  • farkasandras

    farkasandras - 2023-07-19

    Presumably, you missed the fact that you need to add your google translate api key for the feature to work. I'll see if I even listed it in the readme. This is a paid feature from google. The fees are negligible but you have to set it up and set up a payment method for it to work. Once you have an API key just enter it into aligner\other_tools\alignedit_setup.txt


    Last edit: farkasandras 2023-07-19
  • Giles Poole

    Giles Poole - 2023-07-19

    I certainly did. I did look through the readme but couldn't see it.. and i couldn't see where to add the API. We have one, so not an issue.

  • Giles Poole

    Giles Poole - 2023-07-19

    But please let me know how to do it!

  • farkasandras

    farkasandras - 2023-07-19

    Once you have an API key just enter it into aligner\other_tools\alignedit_setup.txt

  • Giles Poole

    Giles Poole - 2023-07-19

    Thanks. It works. 2 issues. 1) We've opened the align file and google translated one column. Once we have checked the alignment, how do we get rid of the google translation column? 2) Once we open the align file using the alignedit app, it no longer gives us the option to create the TM. So we have swithched to the TMX maker app to do this and opened the "Aligned.XXX" file previously aligned. However when we use this it doesn't show the correct languages. See attached screeenshot. The software reads "language code for Spanish" etc but Spanish isn't one of the languages in the alignment....
    ANy help much appreciated.

  • farkasandras

    farkasandras - 2023-07-19

    1) Edit/Delete entire last column. You can leave it in there too.
    2) Just enter the desired language codes. The defaults don't matter, although you can set the first two in the setup file I believe. It is trivially easy to change them in the TMX after the fact as well.

  • Giles Poole

    Giles Poole - 2023-07-20

    OK. The edit>delete last column doesn't work. It just deletes the right hand column and not the column with the google translation (which is inserted to the right of the column being google translated).

    It is a problem - if I create a TMX out of this file it adds the google back translation column into the TMX, so we need to be able to delete the google translation column.. Is there a workaround or a fix?

  • Giles Poole

    Giles Poole - 2023-07-20

    OK. The edit>delete last column doesn't work. It just deletes the right hand column and not the column with the google translation (which is inserted to the right of the column being google translated).

    It is a problem - if I create a TMX out of this file it adds the google back translation column into the TMX, so we need to be able to delete the google translation column.. Is there a workaround or a fix?

  • farkasandras

    farkasandras - 2023-07-20

    It does work. It deletes the last column, unsurprisingly. Working out how to make a specific column the last column is left as an excercise to the reader. Looking around in the edit menu might provide clues.


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