
Working with LF Laigner in batch mode

  • Mikhail Mikhailov

    I need to align a large number of files and I am trying now to run LF Aligner in batch mode with command line. I am using the Linux version.
    After entering the following command

    sh aligner/ --filetype="t" --infiles="<pathtosource>","<pathtotarget>" --languages="fi","en" --segment="y" --review="n" --tmx="n" --outfile="test.tmx"</pathtotarget></pathtosource>

    the aligner starts in the ordinary dialogue mode, as if no arguments were passed.
    What I am doing wrong?

  • Mikhail Mikhailov

    OK, I found a thread on the topic, replaced the command with The program starts now in command-line mode but dies after getting to the file aligner/scripts/hunalign/hunalign_linux.
    First it said "Permission denied", after I added execution permission (chmod a+x) it says "not found", although the file is there...


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