
ajile / News: Recent posts

Ajile 1.2.1 Released!

Download Ajile 1.2.1 at!

This release includes the following changes:

* New: iCab 3.0.3+, OmniWeb 5.6+, Opera 5+, and SeaMonkey 1.0+ support.
* New: Firebug, YUI, & Mochikit log level (info, warn, error) support.
* New: Added on-demand loading to SyntaxHighlighter's JScript Brush.
* New: Ajile's re-initialization is now auto-detected and handled.
* New: Ajile's version is now preserved even when removed from its file name.
* New: Global undefined property support for pre-JavaScript 1.3 browsers.
* Improved: Fixed script double-loading bug observed in IE browsers.
* Improved: Fixed log output bug observed in the compressed release.
* Improved: Updated IE detection to use JScript conditional compilation.
* Improved: Ajile's runtime instance is now a lightweight object literal.
* Improved: Ajile's runtime source is now DOM invisible.
* Improved: Faster & more efficient directive fail-safes.
* Improved: More robust Import & Include listener notification.
* Improved: More robust & efficient Ajile.ShowLog().
* Improved: Performance boost via fail-fasts, variable caching, & less strings.
* Improved: Updated Examples page content, layout & keyboard navigation.... read more

Posted by Mike Lee 2007-12-30 Labels: 1.2.1

Ajile 1.x Coming Soon!

Ajile 1.x will be available by January 1st!

I've been busy working to improve stability and compatibility with as many browsers as possible. Improvements to be expected include:

* Support for Opera 5+
* Faster initialization.
* Faster and more robust logging.
* Better IE detection and performance.
* Other bug fixes.

Stay tuned at:, a December release may be around the corner ;-)

Posted by Mike Lee 2007-12-21

Ajile Released!

Download Ajile at!

This release includes the following changes:

* Improved: IE support via refactored Ajile.Unload().
* Improved: Fixed logging typo caused by Ajile 0.9.9's refactoring.
* Improved: Safari support via Namespace in SyntaxHighlighter.

See the About section at and play with the Demos for a better understanding of the improvements in this release.... read more

Posted by Mike Lee 2007-10-06

Ajile Released!

Download Ajile at!

This release includes the following changes:

* Improved: Fixed MVC bug observed when "." is in a page's query string.
* Improved: Fixed minor regression caused by Ajile 0.9.9's refactoring.
* Improved: Code cleanup on Examples page.
* Improved: Fixed errors in Directives & Options API documentation.... read more

Posted by Mike Lee 2007-10-06

Ajile 0.9.9 Released!

Download Ajile 0.9.9 at!

This release includes the following changes:

* Improved: Faster Import via code refactoring.
* Improved: Fixed bug with versioned Imports and Includes.
* Improved: Fixed bug with wildcard Includes.
* Improved: Code cleanup and refactoring for improved performance.
* Improved: Fixed debug log/Firebug compatibility issue.
* Improved: Fixed Directives API documentation typos.... read more

Posted by Mike Lee 2007-09-19

Ajile 0.9.8 Released!

Download Ajile 0.9.8 at!

This release includes the following changes:

* New: Mozilla 0.9.1+ added to supported browsers list.
* New: Cloaking now supported in IE 5.01+.
* New: Now uses YUI Compressor for code compression (~25K).
* New: Examples page now use SyntaxHighlighter 1.5.1 for code highlighting.
* Improved: Ajile.Unload() now unloads empty com.iskitz.ajile namespace.
* Improved: Ajile.Unload() now unloads all legacy directives.
* Improved: Updated Ajile.Unload() description in API docs.
* Improved: Naming conflict warning provides more alternatives.
* Improved: Code cleanup and refactoring for better cross-browser support.
* Improved: Examples page clean-up and LoadExample correction.
* Improved: Restored Examples page support for Blazer 3.0 on Treo 600.
* Improved: Fixed month error in debug log's date-time stamp.... read more

Posted by Mike Lee 2007-09-06

Ajile 0.9.5 Released!

Download Ajile 0.9.5 at!

This release includes the following changes:

* New: Include directive for importing without short-name access.
* New: Now supports Camino 1.0+ browsers.
* Improved: Cloaking now degrades gracefully for older browsers.
* Improved: Cleaner log output with shorter timestamp & better grouping.
* Improved: Added protection for improper instantiation of custom data types.
* Improved: Better support for older browsers.
* Improved: General code cleanup.... read more

Posted by Mike Lee 2007-08-14

Ajile 0.9 Released!

Download Ajile 0.9 at!

This release includes the following changes:

* New: Supports all Firefox, IE 4.01+, and Netscape 6.0.1+ browsers.
* New: Ajile.Unload([ns|module]) for namespace & module unloading.
* New: Now uses jsUnit as testing framework.
* New: Debug log integration with Firebug, MochiKit, & YUI loggers.
* Improved: Full API backwards compatibility to JSPackaging 1.0 using legacy option.
* Improved: Stronger defense against external Object.prototype changes.
* Improved: Simplified examples & updated Examples page with unobtrusive scripting.
* Improved: Compressed using custom_rhino.jar.
* Improved: Discontinued packer use; broke working code & incompatible with IE 4 & 5.... read more

Posted by Mike Lee 2007-07-25

Ajile 0.9 Coming Soon!

Ajile 0.9 will be available by August 1st!

Stability will be the main focus, with improvements in:

* Importing with override.
* API backwards compatibility.
* 3rd party log integration.
* Runtime cloaking.
* Object.prototype change defense.

Stay tuned at:, a July release may just be possible!

Posted by Mike Lee 2007-07-22

Ajile 0.7.9 Released!

Download Ajile 0.7.9 at:

This release includes the following changes:

* New: legacy load-time option to control backwards compatibility.
* New: Ajile.EnableLegacy() to control backwards compatibility.
* New: Legacy support is disabled by default.
* New: Added documentation for all load-time options.
* Improved: Ajile.EnableOverride() now works as intended.
* Improved: Added packed version to download; used Dean Edward's Packer.
* Improved: Removed documentation for deprecated features.... read more

Posted by Mike Lee 2007-03-11

Ajile 0.7.8 Released!

Download Ajile 0.7.8 at:

This release includes the following changes:

* New: Safari support added.
* Improved: Import handling of circular references.

See the About section at and play with the Demos for a better understanding of the improvements in this release.

Download it at

Posted by Mike Lee 2006-12-29

Ajile 0.7.5 Released!

Download Ajile 0.7.5 at:

This release includes the following changes:

* New: Active defense against external Object.prototype changes.
* Improved: Treo 600 Blazer 3.0 browser support restored.
* Improved: Import behavior stabilized for supported browsers.
* Improved: Import more reliable for slow connections.
* Improved: Import("some.namespace.*") leakage stopped.
* Improved: More accurate Import & Load event logging.
* Improved: General code cleanup & other minor fixes.... read more

Posted by Mike Lee 2006-12-17

Ajile 0.7 Released!

Ajile 0.7 includes the following changes:

* New: refresh load-time option to manipulate script caching.
* New: Ajile.EnableRefresh() to manipulate script caching.
* Improved: More efficient & reliable Import for supported browsers.
* Improved: More compatible cloaking for varied Import scenarios.
* Improved: More accurate and informative debug logging.
* Improved: Logging of Import listener notifications.
* Improved: Logging of Namespace load-time options.
* Improved: Removed status bar message.
* Improved: General code cleanup and other minor fixes.... read more

Posted by Mike Lee 2006-09-28

Ajile 0.6.5 Beta Released!

Get Ajile 0.6.5 at [].

This release contains improvements to the import listener feature, the reintroduction of the shared auto-loader, and other improvements.

View for the latest news and documentation.

Posted by Mike Lee 2006-09-13