
AJEER / News: Recent posts

Project Inactive, Successor at

Finally the AJEER project is now inactive. The work on aspect weaving for OSGi is going on in the successor of AJEER, the Equinox Aspects incubator project. There you can find load-time aspect weaving for Equinox/OSGi that works with up-to-date versions of Eclipse as well as AJDT.

Please go to:

Posted by Martin Lippert 2008-07-11

AJEER 2.0.1 release available

AJEER 2.0.1 is a maintenance release coming with improvements in the documentation and a change to using the eclipse logging.

Please see the 2.0.0 release news for more information.

Posted by Heiko Seeberger 2006-12-28

AJEER 2.0.0 release available

AJEER is the enabler for AspectJ load time weaving on the eclipse platform. With AJEER you can write aspects for elcipse plug-ins and get them woven at load time, which is not possible out of the box with the eclipse runtime because of OSGi classloading.

A new release build of AJEER is available. AJEER 2.0.0 comes with a lot of improvements like
- Support for eclipse 3.2
- An AJEER launcher
- A User Guide and an Example... read more

Posted by Heiko Seeberger 2006-11-29

AJEER: new release build available

A new release build of AJEER is available. This build includes the AspectJ 5 final release weaving code and can be used with the final version of AJDT 1.3.

Posted by Martin Lippert 2005-12-22

AJEER: new dev build available

A new development build of AJEER is available. Works with Eclipse 3.1 and the AspectJ M5 builds of AJDT (and includes the weaving code of AspectJ 5 M5).

* Updated AspectJ weaving code (M5)
* Fix for bug 1362035.

Posted by Martin Lippert 2005-12-11

AJEER: new dev build available

A new development build of AJEER is available. Works with Eclipse 3.1 and AJDT (and includes the weaving code of that AspectJ build).

Changes: Just updated the AspectJ weaving code base.

Posted by Martin Lippert 2005-11-16

AJEER: new dev build available

There is a new development build available that is updated for the newest version of AJDT for Eclipse 3.1. In addition to that the new build is slightly more robust during the weaving process.

Posted by Martin Lippert 2005-10-25

new development build available

The new development build 2005-08-26 is for Eclipse 3.1 and works with the current AJDT 1.3.0 development build. It contains the AspectJ 1.2.0M3 code for weaving.

Posted by Martin Lippert 2005-08-26