
ai.planet / News: Recent posts

ai.planet creator launches new game

Our latest project is Don't Be Patchman, a lighter, light-hearted game that we hope to spiral into a bigger success to fund our ai.planet-style ambitions.

Check out the new game, then please pledge and vote!

Dave Kerr

Posted by Dave Kerr 2015-03-14

ai.planet 1.1.0 released

A new version was built and released to run on modern graphics cards using OpenGL 1.1.

Check the site for more tidbits!

Posted by Dave Kerr 2005-12-14

ai.planet 1.0.0 released!

Artificial Planet 1.0 released!

AI.Planet is a virtual world for artificial intelligence. The environment has water, land, suns, moons, and atmosphere. Plants, animals, fish, and insects can be added to create a dynamic ecosystem. Clouds, rain, wind, lightning, rivers, and icebergs naturally arise from the sun and other influences. You can explore your planet from outer space, by walking around, by tracking creatures, or by controlling a robot that interacts with objects. Artificial Planet is an OpenSource project built with Delphi and GLScene.... read more

Posted by Dave Kerr 2003-10-02

ai.planet v0.9.8 released!

Artificial Planet v0.9.8
AI.Planet is a virtual world for artificial intelligence. The environment has water, land, suns, moons, and atmosphere. Plants, animals, fish, and insects can be added to create a dynamic ecosystem. Clouds, rain, wind, lightning, rivers, and icebergs naturally arise from the sun and other influences. You can explore your planet from outer space, by walking around, by tracking creatures, or by controlling a robot that interacts with objects. Artificial Planet is an OpenSource project built with Delphi and GLScene.... read more

Posted by Dave Kerr 2003-09-17

ai.planet v0.9.6 released!

Artificial Planet v0.9.6
AI.Planet is a virtual world for artificial intelligence. The environment has water, land, suns, moons, and atmosphere. Plants, animals, and fish can be added to create a dynamic ecosystem. Clouds, rain, wind, lightning, rivers, and icebergs naturally arise from the sun and other influences. You can explore your planet from outer space, by walking around, by tracking creatures, or by controlling a robot that interacts with objects. Artificial Planet is an OpenSource project made primarily with Delphi and GLScene. ... read more

Posted by Dave Kerr 2003-09-01

ai.planet v0.9.5 released!

Artificial Planet 0.9.5
AI.Planet is an environment for developing ai and alife. The world has water, land, suns, moons, and atmosphere. Plants, animals, and fish can be added to create a dynamic ecosystem. Clouds, rain, wind, lightning, rivers, and icebergs naturally arise from the sun and other influences. You can explore your planet from outer space, by walking around, by tracking creatures, or by controlling a robot that interacts with objects. Artificial Planet is an OpenSource project made primarily with Delphi and GLScene. ... read more

Posted by Dave Kerr 2003-08-13

ai.planet v0.9.4 released!

ai.planet is a virtual world for artificial intelligence. Developers can study and visualize algorithms in a versatile 3D environment.

Version 0.9.4 Released
August 5th 2003

This new version of ai.planet includes multicolored trees, that evolve over time by producing varied fruits, which are randomly mutated by small degrees. Improved creature AI gives new predator/prey relationships. Interface improvements include a tool repeat button, jump button, new features on the populations form. There is a new Move tool to pick up objects with the mouse, reposition them, and throw them. Although the Ladybugs aren't always successful, if they are given a good environment they can last indefinitely, as this population survived well over 2.5 million ticks. Birds are now better at mating, and Hawks are better at catching the birds. Note: There is no selection pressure on the tree color, so they can and will change into any color. Also be aware of the known bugs, if you find a new one please report it.... read more

Posted by Dave Kerr 2003-08-07

ai.planet introduces evolving creatures!

Guess what?

Evolving Ladybugs. These are inherited from AIGeneticCreature and include a DNA object. This is called AIDNA and contains mutation values, buoyancy and bounce values, and color values.

Evolving trees. These evolve into new colors and produce multicolored fruit and seeds.

Included are DNA *.INI files that users can edit, save and load. There is also an in-program DNA editor accessible from the object viewer, as well as a Position editor.... read more

Posted by Dave Kerr 2003-07-31

ai.planet v0.9.2 released!

Artificial Planet

AI.Planet is an environment for developing ai and alife. It is an OpenSource project made primarily with Delphi and GLScene. The world has water, land, suns, moons, and atmosphere. Plants, animals, and fish can be added to create a dynamic ecosystem. Clouds, rain, wind, lightning, rivers, and icebergs naturally arise from the sun and other influences. You can explore your planet from outer space, by walking around, by tracking
creatures, or by controlling a robot that interacts with objects. ... read more

Posted by Dave Kerr 2003-07-25

ai.planet v0.9.1 released!

Artificial Planet

AI.Planet is an environment for developing ai and alife. It is an
OpenSource project made primarily with Delphi and GLScene. The world has
water, land, suns, moons, and atmosphere. Plants, animals, and fish can be
added to create a dynamic ecosystem. Clouds, rain, wind, lightning, rivers,
and icebergs naturally arise from the sun and other influences. You can
explore your planet from outer space, by walking around, by tracking
creatures, or by controlling a robot that interacts with objects.... read more

Posted by Dave Kerr 2003-06-30

ai.planet introduces insects!

Artificial Planet 0.9.1

Added lots of creepy crawly ants, but the ladybugs are cute. :)

Black Ants June 23rd 2003 - v0.9.1
Added another insect, this time an ant, using another free model from 3DCafe. With insects on aiplanet, the world is more diverse. Insects provide a moving food source to animals and birds, although the learning turtles are the only animals curious enough to try to eat them. At the moment, both ladybugs and ants have basic foraging ai and feed on fruits. There are more photos of ants available on the screenshots page, as well as some new bug photos at the bottom. ... read more

Posted by Dave Kerr 2003-06-24

ai.planet introduces Learning Creatures!

Artificial Planet v0.9.1

- There is a new cTurtle that attempts to eat everything. Whenever it eats something, it adds a statistic to its memory (AIReportCard). This results in some interesting behaviors: the turtle will eat fruit, plants, birds, fish, other turtles, and even tried to eat vibes (a sound is a vibe). After trying to eat both a vibe and an orange, the turtle learnt to prefer oranges instead of vibes.
- After tweaking and upgrading the AITurtle's memory, they began to exhibit individual traits. Each gave unique Weights to the food they ate, as shown in this screenshot. Turtle 497 liked Oranges the most, Turtle 489 liked Fish, and Turtle 487 preferred Crabs. None of the turtles surveyed liked eating Plants, but would eat one as a last choice. The preference is based on history and experience: how healthy the food was, how long it took to get the food, and how often it succeeded in catching the food. The AITurtles are curious and will attempt to eat new things they encounter. Watch out if you are controlling a bot. :)
- Using the AIMatingCreature component, and borrowing some AIFish code, Aaron's ducks are now able to reproduce. Works, but needs tweaking. Still looking for some Baby duck sounds! The duck models also need texturing. Any artists out there?... read more

Posted by Dave Kerr 2003-06-20

ai.planet v0.9.0 released!

Artificial Planet v0.9.0
AI.Planetis a virtual world for artificial intelligence. The world can be altered by adding water, land, suns, moons, rivers, and atmosphere. Plants, animals, and fish can be added to create a dynamic ecosystem. Clouds, wind, lightning, water currents, and weather naturally arise from the sun and other influences. You can explore your planet from outer space, by walking around, by tracking creatures, and by controlling a bot that interacts with the environment.... read more

Posted by Dave Kerr 2003-06-18

ai.planet v0.9 started!

Artificial Planet v0.9

Ai.Planet will soon go to Version 0.9. That means there will be a feature freeze. Here is the outline:

0.9.0 - Last call for features
0.9.1 - Feature freeze (two weeks from now)
0.9.2 - 0.9.5 - Feature completion
0.9.6 - 0.9.9 - Bug hunting and fixes
1.0.0 - Official Release

So, this is your last chance to see a feature included in 1.0. If you want to add one, now is your chance. ... read more

Posted by Dave Kerr 2003-06-02

ai.planet introduces analysis tools!

Recently have added two new statistical analysis features to AI Planet v0.8:

Population Graph
- Shows a dynamic timeline of all populations of Things, updates as the world updates. Very interesting to watch the results of meteor impacts on plant populations.

HeightField Maps
- Colored heightfields to visualize Temperature and Humidity
- Illustrates the effects of the Sun as it travels across the map. Asteroid impacts also show up as massive heat spikes.... read more

Posted by Dave Kerr 2003-05-29

ai.planet introduces developer creatures!

The first developer-made creatures have been added to AI Planet (v0.8.5). They include a Tiger and a Duck and were created by Aaron Hochwimmer. There is also new Community code in the CVS, so any creature you make can instantly flock together in groups!

Ai Planet is still in need of 3D artists, graphics modellers and animators to volunteer. Any creature you draw will be given a life on ai planet.... read more

Posted by Dave Kerr 2003-05-13

ai.planet v0.8 released!

Artificial Planet version 0.8 is out!!

"A virtual world for artificial intelligence."

New Features:


Made sun orbit "wobble" so that it will reach poles over time, melting ice
Fixed lightning appearance bug when cloud display is disabled
Added random temperature drop of -0.1 across the map, every round
Stopped icebergs from multiplying rapidly


Added proper iceberg generation... read more

Posted by Dave Kerr 2003-05-02

aiplanet 0.7 released

Version 0.7 of Artificial Planet has been released.

This includes a new Windows installer to make things easier for users. You will also notice many small changes and features, including stable storm clouds that send out lightning bolts!

An improved user interface and feature completion to follow in more of versions 0.7.x.


Posted by Dave Kerr 2003-04-17

AI Planet 0.6.5 CVS Online

Hello Delphi and GLScene developers!

The latest version of AI Planet is in the CVS. The current release is 0.6.4. If you want to try out the newest features in 0.6.5, you'll have to use CVS.

The birds now are flocking with Boids!

Check it out! :)

Posted by Dave Kerr 2003-03-17

aiplanet v0.6.1 released!

AI Planet v0.6.1 released for testing!

Its in rough shape still, but its getting there. :)

Posted by Dave Kerr 2003-03-04

aiplanet v0.6 started!

Much progress has been made in version v0.5 of aiplanet. However the design goals are far from met.

There are many upcoming features in v0.6:
- Plan to develop a client/server architecture via TCP/IP. Initial design work has begun using Indy 9. Prototypes are in the CVS (aiserver and aiclient). The world will be run on the server, with client connecting to view and/or control bots.
- User controlled bots and avatars will be available, to remotely control a bot on a planet.
- AI controlled bots via SOAP.... read more

Posted by Dave Kerr 2002-12-31

ai.planet v0.5.8 released!

Ok so I'm too lazy to get the CVS working. In the meantime, I made things much more stable.

You can now watch Birds fly around and eat apples :) They aren't too smart, but they are stable! lol!

Other changes:
- New Planet
- Maximums
- Enable/Disable Splash Screens
- Construction Viewer/Logfile

Posted by Dave Kerr 2002-12-06

ai.planet v0.5.6 released!

ai.planet 0.5.6 program and code released!! Wow!

Now included is bass.dll for those having sound issues. Endless miscellaneous fixes have been added to clean up and speed the app, but so much remains to be done!

The next milestone is to get flocks of birds flying about and interacting with each other.

Beta testers please note: if you find a bug, let me know the steps it took to create that bug. Also, feel free to send criticisms/suggestions. Just remember, this isn't a *real* planet, so if the fake apple trees dont look like real apple trees... deal with it!! :)

Posted by Dave Kerr 2002-12-05

ai.planet 0.5.5 source released!

Thar she blows captain! Source code ahoy! :)

Finally the source code to ai.planet is available for all with a will and a way to browse and play. Note that this project is built off of GLScene (OpenGL) and that must be installed first before compiling. There are notes in the Documentation section on how to set up and compile a Delphi 6 build environment. Pentium III with lots of RAM required, because runnin a virtual planet aint for wimpy machines!... read more

Posted by Dave Kerr 2002-12-04

ai.planet demos online!

The ai.planet webpage is now up at!

Zip files are available of various versions! Note: all are betas and require fast systems to run. Enjoy! :)

Posted by Dave Kerr 2002-12-02