
ai.planet v0.9.6 released!

Artificial Planet v0.9.6
AI.Planet is a virtual world for artificial intelligence. The environment has water, land, suns, moons, and atmosphere. Plants, animals, and fish can be added to create a dynamic ecosystem. Clouds, rain, wind, lightning, rivers, and icebergs naturally arise from the sun and other influences. You can explore your planet from outer space, by walking around, by tracking creatures, or by controlling a robot that interacts with objects. Artificial Planet is an OpenSource project made primarily with Delphi and GLScene.


Added Speech (AISpeech, text bubbles in 3D View)
Added Camera Eyes (first person perspective of your target)
Added AIFireTrees (to simulate a forest fire)
Added AVIRecorder (makes AVI movies, no sound)
Added HighPoly fruits and High Detail button to Audio menu
Updated Purgatory system with new Trash system
Added Plant Removal cursor
Added Life.Die cursor
Added Thing removal cursor
Added AIThingList.Tangibles
Fixed Cease bug
Fixed AnyBeacon divided by 0
Fixed non-existing objects getting fueled
Added Lightning Button
Added Rain Cloud Button
Modified Storm Cloud to no rain
Added Restore button (restores time and space window)
Added Harm button (-256 health)
Fixed old apple tree model (appletree.3ds)
Modified AIBall.Fuel -> added Position.TurnTowardsVelocity
Added some new icons (jump, multicast, storm, lightning, etc)
Fixed MouseInfo leave-behind HUDText bug
Set Atmosphere default to On
Fixed Asteroid model positioning
Stopped close zoom from going to Avatar mode (was annoying)
Added AIThing.Report

Posted by Dave Kerr 2003-09-01

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