
#1 getopt optstring is wrong


Attached patch fixes the optstring parameters for the
getopt_long call in aide.c file.


Could you please publish enhanced CVS snapshots which
contain a prebuilt configure script and generated
autoconf/automake files? That would make it easier to
test the snaphots because hardly everyone has
compatible versions of autoconf/automake and so on to
generate those files.


Additional feedback: On Red Hat Linux 9, I'm seeing
several issues with aide 0.9 and 20030902 CVS snapshot.
In particular, but not limited to:

* Option --check-config or -D gives a segfault.

* Running "aide" without any options does not perform a
check as explained in the manual (only explicit --check
does it).

* Any entry like "=/ p+u+g" (without the quotes) in
aide.conf recurses into sub-directories upon "aide
--check". I shouldn't when the '=' equal sign is in front.

* Upon aide --check I get lots of questionable
warnings, such as:

open_dir():Not a directory: /boot/grub/stage1
open_dir():Not a directory: /boot/grub/stage2
open_dir():Not a directory: /boot/grub/

* The verbose debug output of the form "Matches rule
from line #155: ^/" is off by one. In my aide.conf, the
line is 154, not 155.

* Line 119 of compare_db.c contains a typo:

- error(255,"Debug, compare_md_entreis %p %p\n",e1,e2);
+ error(255,"Debug, compare_md_entries %p %p\n",e1,e2);


  • Michael Schwendt

    patch against aide.c

  • Mike Markley

    Mike Markley - 2003-10-30
    • assigned_to: nobody --> madhack
  • Mike Markley

    Mike Markley - 2003-10-30
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Mike Markley

    Mike Markley - 2003-10-30

    Logged In: YES

    I've committed your patch to CVS. Could you possibly
    consolidate your other comments into a separate request (or
    several separate requests) for the sake of organization?
    All of your concerns can probably go into bug reports.

  • Michael Schwendt

    Logged In: YES

    > Could you possibly consolidate your other comments into a
    > request (or several separate requests) for the sake of

    Will do so once I find the time to see what changes have
    been applied to CVS since I have had encountered these issues.

  • Richard van den Berg

    • status: open-fixed --> pending-fixed
  • Richard van den Berg

    • status: pending-fixed --> open-fixed
  • Mike Markley

    Mike Markley - 2003-11-08
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed
  • Mike Markley

    Mike Markley - 2003-11-08

    Logged In: YES

    The getopt patch has been applied and separate tracker
    requests for each of the other issues has been opened.
    Therefore, I am closing this bug.


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