
New GIT repository!

The Aglets source code have been moved to a git repository, that will replace the old-style CVS like repository.
The current layout of the repository contains only the source code and the files required to compile and run the platform. The platform version in the source tree is the one with the new enhanced GUI and with some other interesting features, like a new threading system, a fully localized messages archive, icons and other cool stuff.

In order to develop the code within the Eclipse IDE, you have to:
1) import an existing GIT repository (the URL is specified in the SourceForge web page);
2) create a new Java project with the same name of the git repository;
3) create a new running configuration that will launch the class, passing as VM arguments -Daglets.home=<your-project-directory>.

Posted by Luca Ferrari 2009-07-28

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