Hello All ,
I want to do have the following done . But looks like i messed up some where.
When ever i start the Thahiti server ,i want some aglets(ex : task.ManagerAgent ) automatically be loaded on to the Thahiti server and be running till Thahithi is closed.
For this I looked into the Aglets UserManual ( section 5.2 Configuration Files , configuration of "aglets.props" file ) and on page 66, third configuration from top ,following it was mentioned as follows
# (optional) Comma(,) separated list of URLs(or class names) of aglets
# which should be created just after the server starts.
# examples.hello.HelloAglet,\
# atp://yourhost:434/examples.hello.HelloAglet
But when itried this it was not working for me for some reason.
In my system when i installed aglets2.0.2 "aglets.props" file was created at C:\java\aglets\cnf ( where my AgletsHome is :C:\java\aglets) .
I changed the above entry as follows ,since i wanted the "task..ManagerAgent" agent
to be started immediatley after the Thahithi started.
# (optional) Comma(,) separated list of URLs(or class names) of aglets
# which should be created just after the server starts.
# examples.hello.HelloAglet,\
# atp://yourhost:434/examples.hello.HelloAglet
I used the following URL entry also
# (optional) Comma(,) separated list of URLs(or class names) of aglets
# which should be created just after the server starts.
# examples.hello.HelloAglet,\
# atp://yourhost:434/examples.hello.HelloAglet
Does the "aglets.props" file that i am changing is the correct file or is there any other place i need to do these modifications to get the desired functionality ?
Please advice me and help me .
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