
#6 Please ship a more modern icon for AGIStudio

v1.0 (example)

Hi, my name is Richard Hughes and I work at Red Hat. I'm trying to build a distro-neutral framework to make installing applications easier. At the moment I'm trying to contact various upstream authors asking them to do things to make thier software show up. I've got support from a number of distros, KDE, XFCE and GNOME, but I also need some degree of maintainer buy-in. Already there are over 1000 applications listed in the metadata, and over 25% of them supply the nice-to-have AppData file with screenshots.

AGIStudio does have a couple of small issues. It currently ships an XPM icon, which can't be parsed by the metadata extractor. The generator code is running 24x7 on a server, and so we've kept the supported icon formats to just .png and .svg for security reasons.

Would you perhaps consider shipping a more modern icon format such as PNG? To be included your application needs to ship an icon of at least 48x48px, and ideally 64x64px with an alpha channel to avoid padding. Additionally, please consider writing and installing an AppData file with the application description and some screenshots, otherwise your application will look kinda bare in the GNOME and KDE Software Centers. We'd also love to showcase more applications, but without the extra data file we can't.

See for details about AppData and AppStream, or if you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask; thanks!



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