
aedGUI / News: Recent posts

0.1.8a release

After months of development, 0.1.8a is ready! Check it out!

BTW, we need some developers! All major developers are very busy IRL... argh!


aedGUI team.

Posted by Eduardo Brasăo da Fonseca 2003-12-02

New 0.1.7 release

The aedGUI team proudly announces the release of aedGUI 0.1.7. GO GET IT!


Posted by Eduardo Brasăo da Fonseca 2003-09-18

Sam Lantinga joins aedGUI

That's right! The author of the SDL library joined aedGUI!

Welcome Sam!

Posted by Eduardo Brasăo da Fonseca 2003-08-21

New 0.1.6 release!

Hi everyone!

The long awaited 0.1.6 release is out! Download it now!



Posted by Eduardo Brasăo da Fonseca 2003-07-30

We are alive!

... and well! We have a brand new rendering engine working, and various bug-fixes and speedups. The only problem that is preventing us from releasing 0.1.6 (or 0.2.0 we are still deciding) is the VC++ compilation... Argh... VC++ is a weird compiler.

BUT, if we get too stuck on this, we will move the support to the next version.

Stay tuned!



Posted by Eduardo Brasăo da Fonseca 2003-07-23

New project admin

Hi everyone!

Ivan has been promoted to project admin! Kudos to him!


Posted by Eduardo Brasăo da Fonseca 2003-07-06

New 0.1.5 release!

Hi everyone,

The new aedGUI 0.1.5 release is out! Check it out!


The aedGUI team

Posted by Eduardo Brasăo da Fonseca 2003-06-25

Visual C support

Hi everyone!

Rodrigo Hernandez just commited the VisualC++ project files... and the best of all... it works! :)
His work will be on aedGUI 0.1.2. Stay tuned!



Posted by Eduardo Brasăo da Fonseca 2003-06-19

New aedTextBox... working!


We have a working textbox... thanks to Bryan "Potatoes".
Kudos to him. His code will be included on 0.1.2.



Posted by Eduardo Brasăo da Fonseca 2003-06-19

New developers!

Hi everyone!

New developers onboard: Akinwale and Peter Eismann.
Welcome aboard!


Posted by Eduardo Brasăo da Fonseca 2003-06-19

New developer!

Hi everyone!

Just came here to say that Steve Ierodiaconou has just joined the aedGUI dev team!

Welcome aboard, Steve!



Posted by Eduardo Brasăo da Fonseca 2003-06-14

New developer!

Hi everyone!

Just came here to say that Borras Gael has just joined the aedGUI dev team!

Welcome aboard, Borras!



Posted by Eduardo Brasăo da Fonseca 2003-06-14

New developer!

Hi everyone!

Just came here to say that Rodrigo Hernandez has just joined the aedGUI dev team!

Welcome aboard, Rodrigo.



Posted by Eduardo Brasăo da Fonseca 2003-06-14

aedGUI 0.1.1 released!

Hi everyone!

The resolution independent code has been removed and we fixed a VERY nasty bug on aedWindow. The library is 300% faster!

Go get it :)

The aedGUI Team

Posted by Eduardo Brasăo da Fonseca 2003-06-11

aedGUI 0.1.0 released!

Hello everyone!

The first alpha release of aedGUI is released! Go check it out!

The aedGUI team.

Posted by Eduardo Brasăo da Fonseca 2003-05-31

aedGUI DR4 released

Hello everyone!

Developer Release 4 is out! Check out the new features and speedups!

aedGUI Team

Posted by Eduardo Brasăo da Fonseca 2003-05-14

New developer!

Hi everyone!

Another developer has just joined the aedGUI project: Ivan Stankovic!

Welcome aboard Ivan!


Posted by Eduardo Brasăo da Fonseca 2003-05-12

aedGUI DR3 released

A fresh new developer version released! DR3 contains various bug fixes, some improvements (specially on the alpha blending code) and some minor speedups!

Check it out!

aedGUI Team

Posted by Eduardo Brasăo da Fonseca 2003-05-06

New developer!

Hi everyone!

Just dropped by to say that the aedGUI project has a new developer: Tuomas Harju.

Welcome aboard, Tuomas!


Posted by Eduardo Brasăo da Fonseca 2003-05-04

New developer!

Hello everyone,

just like to notice that Erick Wodarz joined the aedGUI project today :)

Welcome aboard, Erick!


Posted by Eduardo Brasăo da Fonseca 2003-05-02

aedGUI DR2 released

Hello Everyone,

the work today went so great that we are going to release the 2nd Developer Release of aedGUI.

* Focus on every widget :)
* aedButtons are now rendered on an offscreen buffer, using alpha blending :) No more ugly lines over some color/backgrounds
* The all new aedToggleButton class
* aedTextBox class now ignores TABs and RETURNs. (I mean, it does not try to print it to the screen)... read more

Posted by Eduardo Brasăo da Fonseca 2003-05-01

aedGUI released

My first OSS project *ever* got released yesterday. It's far from finished, but I'm needing help! If anyone got GUI skills, please contact me!

Posted by Eduardo Brasăo da Fonseca 2003-04-30