
Tree [3a03ef] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 .gitignore 2023-05-07 bartensud bartensud [1a6211] Updated .gitignore: ignore all but the already ...
 README 2023-11-09 bartensud bartensud [74b7a6] v1.52 release bundle
 addressbook.xml 2023-11-09 bartensud bartensud [74b7a6] v1.52 release bundle
 adx2html_phonelist.xsl 2024-01-07 bartensud bartensud [3a03ef] Fixed: Logo icons in scaled screen en...

Read Me

# adx - addressbook.xml

adx is a minimalistic but massively web enabled address book in XML for contact management running completely in web browser.
Features: XML based, small (~350 KB), lightweight, configurable, portable, contact tagging, geo mapping, web accounts, etc.
Export functionality: vCard download, QR code generator (can be done completely offline, no external service provider needed).

Website: (alternative URL if your used ad blocker wrongly blocks the adx subdomain:

## How it works: XML =={XSLT}==> HTML
Your addressbook (XML file) is transformed in your web browser (via XSLT) to a full-featured web application (HTML).
Every web browser supports XSLT out of the box!

## Live Demo

## Requirements
- Any modern web browser should work (incl. Firefox, Safari, Chrome and any other Chromium-based browser like Edge, Vivaldi, Opera, Brave, etc). All of them have support for XSLT which is needed for adx to transfrom XML to HTML.

- For online usage (http(s)://...) no further requirements beside that you need to host the two files addressbook.xml and adx2html_phonelist.xsl on any web server.

- For local usage (file://...) most browser nowadays don't allow local file access any more out of the box. Therefore you need to configure your browser to allow local file access! See

## Getting started with adx 
1. Download latest release from 
2. Unzip the downloaded file
3. Deploy the two adx files (addressbook.xml and adx2html_phonelist.xls is all you need)
   - For online usage (http(s)://.../addressbook.xml) you need to upload the two adx files addressbook.xml and adx2html_phonelist.xls to any web server or web hoster
   - For local usage (file://.../addressbook.xml), you must ensure that your browser has local file access. See
4. Open URL to addressbook.xml in a modern web browser

- Click on a entry to show details for this contact
- Most entries in contact details are clickable (e.g. direct calling phone numbers via Skype, address lookup in Google Maps, etc.)
- To add contacts just edit addressbook.xml in a text/xml editor of your choice.

## How to update from a previous version of adx:
- Just replace the file 'adx2html_phonelist.xsl' with the new one from this release
- The file qrcodeUTF8.min.js can be removed (since adx v1.40 it's embedded directly into the XSL file adx2html_phonelist.xsl)

## Changelog:
1.52 (2023-11-09)
- Added account support for Mastodon
- Fixed problems for duplicated/similar contacts resulting in the same identifier
- Fixed bug: Selected tag is highlighted again

Older changelogs:

## License
BSD (Open Source)

## More infos:
- Homepage:
- Sourceforge project: