
HTTP redirect

  • AyrA

    AyrA - 2013-09-06

    Firefox has some bad behavior when a .onion domain is not available. It then tries to reconnect to www.X.onion and denies any further attempt to reach the url, until thew cache is completely deleted. Can it be changed in AdvOR, so if an application calls for any subdomain of an onion address, instead of refusing the connection, send a "HTTP 301 Moved Permanently" response?

  • Vektor

    Vektor - 2013-11-30

    The support for .onion subdomains is a feature that will not be removed from AdvOR. Until an option to disable this feature is added, you can edit address maps to create other associations for www.something.onion subdomains.

  • AyrA

    AyrA - 2014-03-25

    I do not want to remove onion support. I would like a feature, which redirects *.whatever.onion to whatever.onion.
    Even with the newest Firefox version, when I try to open a .onion domain, which is unavailable, Firefox also tries to access www.whatever.onion, which is invalid, but the browser stores it anyways and will never ever let you access the .onion domain without WWW until you clear the browser cache. This behavior makes sense for regular domains, so I assume it is intended to behave like this. But for .onion domains it is inconvenient because you cannot have sub domains in the onion namespace, so redirecting sub domains to the main domain would probably help users. Many people still think it is required for an URL to start with WWW.

  • AyrA

    AyrA - 2014-09-19

    Thank you. It works