
LaplacianThickness 3D volume

Shuo Chen
  • Shuo Chen

    Shuo Chen - 2020-04-26

    I'm trying to use LaplcianThickness function for calculating 3D retinal thickness using Nipype module in python. However, I can successfully pass in 3D Nifti volumes, but Segmentation fault (core dumped) error will pop after all calculation is done. Does anyone know what may be the issue? I have tried ANTs package on Anaconda and Linux, neither of them works.

    • Nick Tustison

      Nick Tustison - 2020-04-26

      Can you post your images?

      • Shuo Chen

        Shuo Chen - 2020-04-26

        Hi, attached are two 3D volume segmentation labels. I obtain that error by using these two volumes as inputs

        • Nick Tustison

          Nick Tustison - 2020-04-26

          These aren't typical input to the LaplacianThickness program for which we don't really provide support. The program was designed for gray and white matter probability images. Although you could probably adapt the program, it would be on you to actually made the changes for accommodation in the code.

          • Shuo Chen

            Shuo Chen - 2020-04-27

            Thanks for your suggestion. I'm wondering if this package can only process 2D images instead of 3D volume? If not, is there any thickness-analysis relavent package from ANTs that can process 3D volumes?

            • Nick Tustison

              Nick Tustison - 2020-04-27

              It can handle 3-D images. It's just that your images are atypical, probably incorrect, and that is probably why the program segfaults.