grapexs - 2008-08-08


I hope someone here can help me with this problem. I tried to make my usb-stick bootable and with the option -o usb all works great, but only if one usb-stick is attached to the machine. Now I would like to distinguish between which stick has to be made bootable if more then one is attached and I tried both Methods like it is written in the Description. I tried "\\.\PhysicalDrive1" and "\\.\F:" and makebootfat finished without errors but i couldn't boot from it afterwards. With \\.\F the stick appears to be unformatted and \\.\PhysicalDrive1 doesn't make it bootable or copy any of the files.

"makebootfat.exe -E 0 -v -i -Y -o \\.\PhysicalDrive1 -2 ldlinux.bss -m mbr.bin -c ldlinux.sys -c syslinux.cfg -c boot.msg -c bzimage -c initrd.img tmp"

Could you please tell me if I'm making something wrong? Thanks

kind regards
