
Issue With AllenBradleyPCCC.vb

  • OccamsRazor

    OccamsRazor - 2012-10-26

    Morning Archie,
    I tried to set up a momentary PB in V3.26 and it froze.  The error that came up was in line 1914 of AllenBradleyPCCC.vb and was:
    Destination array was not long enough.  Check destIndex and length, and the array's lower bounds. 
    The part that's underlined in red is underlined in black here:  Paddress.ByteStream.CopyTo(DataW, 0_)_
    I know how to work with array's in th arduino ide but not in VB. 

    I was also wondering if the HMI should be able to read I/O tables or just binary?
    Thanks for your help,

  • OccamsRazor

    OccamsRazor - 2012-10-26

    I Probably should of mentioned that this is on a PLC 5/80E and all that I've put on the  form is the example of a timer  for a DigitalPanelMeter and XIO Bit MomentaryButton to reset it. 
    Other Sketches worked just fine like pilot lights and the panel meter I just get the error when I try to push the button or (send) a click.

  • OccamsRazor

    OccamsRazor - 2012-10-27

    Ok I found a solution I just commented out:

    ReDim DataW(DataWLength) 
    PAddress.ByteStream.CopyTo(DataW, 0)

    This allows The button to function properly for a single bit but not sure yet if will inhibit something else from working correctly.


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