
Implementation Using Mono Under Linux

Dave Hunt
  • Dave Hunt

    Dave Hunt - 2016-07-06

    I would like to open this discussion for anyone trying to use portions of this project under Linux. At one time (about a year ago) I had this working under Ubuntu using Mono, but other things took priority and I moved on to something else. Now I am back trying to implement the latest under Mono. If anyone else has had success or knows of any forums, blog posts or other resources that are helpful, please post here. Thanks and happy programming!

  • Dave Hunt

    Dave Hunt - 2016-11-28

    Wow, absolutely no feedback since July. Just figured if it was posted on SourceForge where everything is about open source there would be a little more interest in a Linux solution. Oh well. Anyway, here is an update. Works just fine under Mono. Was able to leverage the communications to push data to a MySQL database and then use Gambas as a front end HMI, since Gambas is very easy to use for creating simple graphical interfaces. I'm not a fancy guy and I like my interfaces rather flat. If anyone is interested in how to get this working under Mono feel free to contact me or reply and I'll post something.

  • Archie

    Archie - 2016-12-06

    There is a dedicated forum for AdvancedHMI where you will find much more active discussions.


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