
Any Info On Project?

  • CSOSulla

    CSOSulla - 2006-01-02

    Hi There,

    I was wondering what info there is available about this and how far this will differ from trad CC.

    XML is a great strating point!


    • opencombat

      opencombat - 2006-01-02

      I am a huge fan of the traditional CC games and started this project because I want to play updated versions of the game. I think there is a tremendous modding community out there for this game so my goal is to provide them an engine based on the traditional CC games that they can mod much easier and much quicker than hacking the old games. I would love to have a new CC game than spans genres, allows large scale multiplayer battles, and has a much more credible AI.

      I think this project will be successful based on the community surrounding it. Over the next few months, I'd like to have a playable demo up so people can begin giving feedback and such. We'll see.


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