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Sorry! I have posted it a little quickly (beginer in
php ... and in english too).

The good solution for viewing multiple foreign keys from
the same external table is simply to comment the line :
// $foreign_keys[$ref_table] = array();
If $ref_table has the same values than an other iteration
passed before, this code was re-initializing the array.
So, only the last iteration on the same external table is

function MetaForeignKeys( $table, $owner = FALSE,
$upper = FALSE, $associative = FALSE )
if ( !empty($owner) ) {
$table = "$owner.$table";
$a_create_table = $this->getRow(sprintf('SHOW
CREATE TABLE %s', $table));
if ($associative) $create_sql =
$a_create_table["Create Table"];
else $create_sql = $a_create_table[1];
$matches = array();
if (!preg_match_all("/FOREIGN KEY \(`(.*?)`\)
REFERENCES `(.*?)` \(`(.*?)`\)/", $create_sql, $matches))
return false;

$foreign_keys = array();
$num_keys = count($matches[0]);

for ( $i = 0; $i < $num_keys; $i ++ ) {
$my_field = explode('`, `', $matches[1][$i]);
$ref_table = $matches[2][$i];
$ref_field = explode('`, `', $matches[3][$i]);
if ( $upper ) {
$ref_table = strtoupper($ref_table);
// $foreign_keys[$ref_table] = array();
$num_fields = count($my_field);
for ( $j = 0; $j < $num_fields; $j ++ ) {
if ( $associative ) {
[$j]] = $my_field[$j];
} else {
= "{$my_field[$j]}={$ref_field[$j]}";
return $foreign_keys;