
#113 New process to setup Posterita POS when Client do not is new


Is necessary a process into Adempiere standard menu to setup Posterita POS when a clinet do not is new.

Current Posterita POS only can setup create a new client.

Kind regards
Victor Perez


  • Carlos Ruiz

    Carlos Ruiz - 2007-11-04

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Hi Victor, I reviewed and fixed some bugs in the migration scripts:

    1 - In Oracle TO_TIMESTAMP is not valid, please use TO_DATE, the date format is also different

    2 - The ad_process must be inserted before the ad_menu to avoid foreign key error

    3 - Please don't use schema prefix "adempiere." - people can have installation with another schema

    Now one question:

    What's the goal of the section updating ad_process_access ?

    a) Is it intended to update created permissions for the new process ('Setup Web POS' -> 53002) ??
    If this is the intention - then you need to do insert's instead of update's - because they are not created by default.


    b) Is it intended to update the previous permission records for the process ('Update Role Menu' -> 52003)?
    Or is this a typo error writing 52003 instead of 53002?


    Carlos Ruiz

  • Victor Perez Juarez

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Hi Carlos!

    Thank a lot your comment you are in right, I review with more detail when will commit sql script.

    Dear community!

    Now is possible to Setup Posterita POS from Adempiere with exist client, the reason to create this process is because before only can setup a Posterita POS create a new client

    you need create a new user and role (ie POS) next you need run Setup Web POS process and fill all the parameter, this process setup the necessary to a POS from exist client.

    kind regards
    Victor Perez

  • Angelo Dabalà

    Angelo Dabalà - 2007-11-07

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    Hi Victor, I've a problem with the SetupWebPOS process: when it looks at the charge table at line 266 the query asks for isDefault='Y', but there is no such column in my schema (I imported the dump of v330 and applied all the migration script of 330-trunk folder). I don't know if is my mistake or there is a missing alter table on the migration scripts.

    Also I think there is a bug at line 283, maybe you should remove the statement

    com.setC_Charge_ID( chargeIds[0]);

    because is redundant and if the test "if(chargeIds.length<1)" is true this will lead to an error.

    One final question, is the Web POS already configured for Gardenworld? I tried to login with different users, the only one that works is SuperUser but after loggin in the menu is empty.

  • Victor Perez Juarez

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Hi genied!

    I sorry , i had pending a commit , now should are work

    Committed revision 3685.

    >>is the Web POS already configured for Gardenworld?

    No current do not is configure, it is the reason because i created this process ;-)

    kind regars
    Victor Perez

  • Redhuan D. Oon

    Redhuan D. Oon - 2007-11-15

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Same note - for review and pending status by committer or maintainer

  • Redhuan D. Oon

    Redhuan D. Oon - 2007-11-15
    • assigned_to: shameem_z --> vpj-cd

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