
AdaptiveCells J2EE / News: Recent posts

Added support for inducing memory leaks!

Version 0.8.3 brings support for inducing custom memory leaks in particular points of the EJB application, simply by adding an environment entry in the test-bed's deployment descriptor.
See the release notes and the enclosed EAR's deployment descriptor for an example of how this can be achieved.

Posted by Adrian Mos 2005-09-06

Added declarative support for raising exceptions !

You can now use the EJB cells to create a testbed in which you can control when to raise exceptions. You decide on the type of the exception and when it is raised. See included example for an illustration of the new functionality.

Posted by Adrian Mos 2005-05-25

First Release of Adaptive Cells J2EE !

Version 0.80 is available for download. Currently only stateless session beans are supported.
Check back soon for complete support for all the bean types, including more types of bean cell activity-generators.

Posted by Adrian Mos 2005-05-13