
help needed

  • BrodieBrodie

    BrodieBrodie - 2007-10-13

    help needed in the graphics side of the game.

    terrain will be divided into the following categories:
    temperate, ice world, jungle, lava, exotic, moon, water

    each category will have several terrain hexes: eg

    hilly, mountenous, sea (shallow, shelf, deep), plain, forest, forest with hills.

    each of these terrain hexs will have 5 to 10 (artist's discretion) variations.

    the sea will be animated by passing their 5 to 10 variations in quick succession.

    • Phenoca

      Phenoca - 2007-10-30

      I am sorry, I lack artistic skill.
      However, I know of over three gamers who are currently competing in a 3D starship-modelling contest.
      If you would like starship graphics, I can send you some samples, and contact my friends if you want them involved.

      My experience lies in beta-testing a variety of massively-multiplayer online games, ranging from text-based, turn-based role-playing games to three-dimensional real-time strategies (and everything in-between).
      I have experience training new players, balancing political models to increase the value of gameplay, advertising, discussing economical and combat-systems, and have a rudimentary knowledge of programming.

      I would like to get involved with this project, and plan to give feedback on further game-development :)

      The graphics look really good currently (version 13), and before asking around, I would like to know what program you currently use to generate graphics?


      - mount_moon.bmp has four pixels of pink that are displayed in-game.
      - mount_ice.bmp has fifteen pixels of pink that are displayed.
      - nice improvement on the farmland structure.
      - excellent resource and terrain animations.
      - coastlines have disappeared, animation for coasts needed.
      - number of hexes on planet should be proportional to planet size.

    • BrodieBrodie

      BrodieBrodie - 2007-10-31

      graphics of nebula taken from freeorion, graphics of structures taken from freeciv. these will be need to be changed to make the game more individual. the  graphics of the structures is further not very suited (buildings should be larger/clearer).

      other graphics are self created. Using The Gimp. thank you for the compliments, but i hope that the final graphics will be much better.

      coasts depths graphic variation had to disappear. to much memory to create tiles for different sea depths now that the sea is animated. Not sure about animating the coast yet (probably some waves here and there), but coastline is a bit of a headache. not sure of the approach (I'm trying to be careful not to use to many tiles as there are several planet types (and i hope, to be even more), so I'll need to think of a trick). The program is ready for the code however (the computer knows which sea hexes are coastal and which are not, so the old sea depth code will have a second life). Note: sea worlds might have to go.

      Planet size was originally implemented, but as the game gained complexity in planet generation, zooms etc, I standardized the size to reduce the numerous errors i has encountering. Not to sure i'll go back here. Will see if i can re implement planet size once the game has reached the end of a beta stage.

    • paper_wad

      paper_wad - 2008-03-26

      I saw you posted recently on the freeorion boards, and I don't know if it was a petition for help, but it sure looks like you could use some. So as a show of good faith to the project (because the idea is so intriguing) here is some proprietary artwork for Ad Infinitum.

      and the URL.

      O, and by the way, you can call me Josh.

    • BrodieBrodie

      BrodieBrodie - 2008-03-26

      Many thanks Josh

      just been adapting the icons to the files and they look very good.

      The final draft may not use icons, but images of sprites in the uniform of their profession. but that day is a long way off.

      Yes, I'm craving help. Graphics started off as fun, now i groan at the thought of having to add new graphics files. But by using graphics carefully as the game progresses it helps to identify bugs and has contributed to the code being pretty stable so for (touch wood). So i should not complain to much.

      I'll add "Josh" and "Paper Wad" to the planet names (my temporary credits).

      Thanking you,



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