
one drive only?

Yo Joe
  • Yo Joe

    Yo Joe - 2022-09-21

    Is there a way to indicate operations on more than 1 partition?
    Drive selection allows only to select 1 partition, not even whole drive.

    • Limbo

      Limbo - 2022-09-22

      You can run multiple instances of the program

      • Yo Joe

        Yo Joe - 2022-09-29

        Found that possibility after messing with autostart which led to start two instances. Unfortunately settings are saved in registry thus I'd need to change drives after every boot which is not satisfactory. Is there maybe a solution for having multiple instances with own settings, as option's path in registry
        HKLM\...\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\Activity Indicator\Settings1
        suggest there could be also Settings2, 3, and so on

  • hafeez ullah

    hafeez ullah - 2023-03-01

    please help me ...i do not know where i creat master key ..please help me for your one video for easy to understand for master key creation because i am uneducated so please help me with one easy video

    • Limbo

      Limbo - 2023-03-01

      There is no such functionality for Activity Indicator.
      Please contact to ngeorgousis @ for help

  • Ingo Stiller

    Ingo Stiller - 2023-10-20

    About the possibility to show the activity of more then on drive/partion.
    As explained above, two instances needs to settings whta is not possible at the moment.
    For me it would be enough to get all partitions of a/all disks with one instance displayed. So that the "LED" flashes when something happens on any paration.


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