
#335 Cannot attach workflow document


With the latest wizard, flex and OC code, workflow documents are not attached properly to the form in the workflow documents page. To the user, it looks like it works (at least initially), but in the Tomcat console you see a "Bad ID Given" exception. If you go to the summary page, no documents are displayed because the dm_relation objects are not being set up properly.

Note - talk to Ben and Max about this issue. From initial analysis, it looks like this is due to the updates to create the PSI directly in the content server rather than creating it first on the app server.

Note #2 - this is much lower priority, but it seems that when searching for workflow documents with no search criteria, a warning box pops up, but with no text. Text for this should be configurable in the core-messages.json (NOT core-properties.json)


  • George Steimer

    George Steimer - 2012-04-12

    Note - here is the full stack trace of the error. I was using the Simple Change Request form

    DfException:: THREAD: http-8080-1; MSG: [DM_API_E_BADID]error: "Bad ID given: 0000000000000000"; ERRORCODE: 100; NEXT: null
    at com.documentum.fc.common.DfException.newBadIdException(
    at com.documentum.fc.client.impl.session.Session.getObjectManager(
    at com.documentum.fc.client.impl.session.Session.getObject(
    at com.documentum.fc.client.impl.session.SessionHandle.getObject(
    at com.tsgrp.opencontent.dctm.content.DCTMContentImpl.addRelation(
    at com.tsgrp.opencontent.wizard.workflow.GenericWizardWorkflowImpl.addWfDocument(
    at com.tsgrp.opencontent.flexwizardlite.core.FlexWizardLiteService.addWfDocument(

  • Daniel Grumieaux

    Resolved this bug. AWLite was passing in an objectId when OC expected an objectName, so the source and the swf have been updated so that the objectName was being passed in accordingly. The AWLite Flex code may be worth revisiting in the future to make sure we are passing the appropriate parameters in all the Flex -> OC calls, but for now, the bug is fixed.

  • George Steimer

    George Steimer - 2012-05-07
    • status: open --> pending

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