
This Stinks

  • Midnighter

    Midnighter - 2006-07-12

    Why isn't this program getting any updates?  Why, if you're so dedicatedly 'developing' acqlite instead of doing what some of us have openly suspected (that being acquiring its development just so you can tank it in favor of Cabos or whatever else), are you not responding to any posts made more recently here?  Your only 'patches' or updates or contributions have been to pretty much ruin what people liked about the program back with version 0.23c, and then give us "icons" like that fixes anything.

    And why all of a sudden do I keep getting dozens upon dozens of *** or better-rated sources, but every single download I click for now just continually reads "Connecting" for up to an hour before I discontinue waiting on it, or immediately goes to "No active sources" even though there's clearly dozens of sources on some of these search results?

    I realize this is a freeware and so you guys have to develop what pays and all, but I can't believe there aren't other people who would be happy to go and fix this program so it WORKS PROPERLY again like IT DID BEFORE YOU TOOK IT OVER if you'd release it to them.  This is ridiculous.  If you're not asking for money it's one thing, but you're also asking us to give our time, attention, and risk our system security by opening up our bandwidth to get involved in fileshare via your program.

    Either fix this stuff or just discontinue the program.  Quit insulting users who've stuck with this program for quite a while, even AFTER your 'improvements' wrecked a lot of it, by continuing to just sit silently and ignore our remarks and feedback.

    Go back to letting this program be opened to more than 5 hosts, go back to getting this thing working, and THEN you can say we're being unfair.  All you seem to have 'fixed' is the ability of this program to provide simple, reliable, nag-free filesharing.  Good job!  I'm sure Microsoft is hiring.

    • adriel

      adriel - 2006-07-13

      YES I agree with you sprice07, i have also been using and testing Acqlite for about a year now and i am also whiting for the developer to add some new feature and add some bug fixes.

      I email the developer a month ago and this is what he/she said:

      "    From:
          Subject:     Re: Acqlite 0.2.8 GREAT APP
          Date:     16 April 2006 4:55:42 PM
          To:       ...

      Hello, Adriel.
      Unfortunately my iMac was dead. I can't develop Acqlite now.
      But I wish to get money to buy new Mac and update Acqlite.


      that what they said but still theres that other developer "pozytron" who could keep working on it you would think.


      AND yes i also think that this is one of the best p2p file-sharing programs out there.

    • Midnighter

      Midnighter - 2006-07-22

      No surprise.  That iMac breaking down is an excuse--I can't seriously believe that if they gave a crap about this program the developers would cite a shutdown of their system as the apparently total reason why this thing has been sitting lax for nearly over a year now with no major improvements.

      And never mind their current problems--why, when they were actively 'developing' the program, did they TAKE OUT many little features that made Acqlite so desirable?  Like being able to use the Terminal command to open it up to 32 hosts, or letting us set what programs we use to open and preview movie, image, or mp3 files?  This thing has even LESS capabilities than it had before, and it's not even RELIABLE as a fileshare program in its most basic functions, since I have to struggle and go through days to patiently try and successfully download something, instead of a few minutes like we USED to be able to with the OLD VERSION back when pozytron was working on this.

      It's ridiculous, ass-backward engineering if you ask me.  This program was better off BEFORE it was "improved" by heavy_dog and co.


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