
#19 Issues with how conferencing works


Some things to fix with conferencing:
a) the party who disconnects from a conf - his conversation list icon not updated to show disconnected
b) the party being conferenced in, at accepting, gets red dot on conversations tab but shouldn't
c) the party being conferenced in needs other parties name update on Chat and Conversations tab
(note, 4-party scenario OK, 3-party has the problem)
d) parties already in the conference when someone else is adding a new joiner don't get chat event
notification (red dot) when the joiner accepts (however their other parties names does update);
same when a party leaves the conference, nobody gets chat event nortification
e) party adding another user to a conference gets conversation tab event notification, but shouldn't
f) party being conferenced in should have an indication that it is a conference in the new chat popup
(or possibly get the list of parties in the conference in the new chat popup)


  • Amit Chatterjee

    Amit Chatterjee - 2012-08-30
    • priority: 5 --> 2
  • Amit Chatterjee

    Amit Chatterjee - 2013-02-24
    • milestone: 408419 --> Unassigned

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