
LDAP Account Sync / News: Recent posts

Beta of OpenLDAP 2.2.15 w/ AcctSync

Take it out for a spin and provide some feedback on it. It includes a new openldap and AcctSync script. Then, it is wrapped in an installer.

Posted by Curtis Robinson 2005-04-27

OpenLDAP 2.1.16 Windows binaries available

These binaries do not contain all the acctSync specific components. This is clean version of OpenLDAP. So, it is missing the, acctSync.schema, and LDAPPerl modules. But, you can continue to use the existing modules. Also, there is a newer version of LDAPPerl modules in the file listing.

Posted by Curtis Robinson 2003-05-29

OpenLDAP 2.1.3 WIN32 binaries available

Binaries were built with MSVC 6.0 on WIN2K. With ActiveState Perl, Berkeley DB, and OpenSSL. Noteably without SASL, as SASL 2 does not build on WIN32 as yet, I don't think.

Also inlcuded is an installer for PasswdHK, a DLL that allows admins to update user passwords in external databases whenever a user changes their local pasword.

I include, a perl module that adds local users whenever OpenLDAP gets a ldapadd for a ldap user. This allows slapd on WIN32 to be configured as a OpenLDAP replica that adds/deletes WIN32 accounts when OpenLDAP accounts are add/deleted/modified.

Posted by Anonymous 2002-07-18

Lastest source in 'acctsync' package

The latest source for PasswdHk DLL and the PERL module for OpenLDAP are in the 'acctsync' package, 'alpha' release. There have been a lot of changes, including the ability to register programs to be called before and after the user's password has been changed, log levels, a gui config tool, some documentation in README.txt.

All other packages/release are much older.

The *very latest* code, as usual, is in CVS.

Posted by Anonymous 2002-06-14

Updated Password filter DLL uploaded

Updated Password filter DLL. The DLL now works :)

* Added registry batch script, and registry access functions for storing DLL params in the registry.

* Added logging functions.

* Added driver program for testing the exported functions

* Beginnings of finer grain process creation

* Etc.

This DLL is a generic password filter that spawns a process with the user name and password as arguements.

TODO. Security audit, memory audit, etc.

Posted by Anonymous 2002-03-26

Password Hook DLL: Alpha password filter

Just added the source for the password filter I have been working on ( for the past 14 hours or so :)

The filter takes a different approach. Passwords are passed to a script registered in the registry. That script is run in a separate process from that of the LSA. As of now that still does not prevent the this DLL from crashing the domain controller, but hopefully that'd be fixed soon. That way the filter can service almost any backend without a recompile. It does bring in some security issues though.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2002-03-23

Alpha packages of patched openldap source

Just uploaded the current source for win32 back-perl based of CVS from 14MAR02.

I'm having a hard time with a perl crash that I would mind getting help with :)

As usual, Testers would be appreciated

I will put up more information on building at

Posted by Anonymous 2002-03-19

alpha password filter, alpha OpenLDAP patch

I have mirrored Osama Dengler's password filter.

This code is entirely the work of Osama Dengler and should be downloaded from . I am mirroring the code here for convience.

Please note that this is very alpha code, and should be used only for testing. Testers are very appreciated though.

I have also added alpha patch to get back-perl compiling in Win32.

Posted by Anonymous 2002-03-16