
MD5SUMS for cxacru-fw.bin

  • Giles Bathgate

    Giles Bathgate - 2005-08-28


    I thought it would be really neat if someone posted version numbers of  CnxEtU.sys and coresponding MD5SUMS

    and also the MD5SUMS of the cxacru-fw.bin that has been extracted, this way it can be confirmed that the process was successful

    I am having a problem with the driver not being able to find my firmware, even though it is located in /lib/firmware and the /etc/hotplug/firmware.agent points to this location.

    the exact message is

    firmware unavailable (hotplug configuration problem?)

    • Giles Bathgate

      Giles Bathgate - 2005-08-28

      I have now managed to get the driver to find the firmware, this only seemed to occour after I had booted into windows, and the red light on the modem was still on. when I rebooted into linux.

      I was getting messages like:

      cxacru 1-1:1.0: poll status: error -5

      So I unplugged the modem and re-plugged it in.

      The last message I now get in dmesg is
      found firmware cxacru-fw.bin

      and then:

      FirmwarePllClkValue failed -71

    • Giles Bathgate

      Giles Bathgate - 2005-08-30

      The modem now works, I upgraded CnxEtU.sys in Windows to the same version that I used to create cxacru-fw.bin, Now If I reebot to Linux the firmware stays loaded, so the Driver does not need to upload the firmare. If I unplug the modem and re-plug it in I get the error as before (FirmwarePllClkValue failed -71)

      I thought maybe the extraction process had failed and my cxacru-fw.bin may be corrupt. This is why I think it would be really good if MD5SUMS were available.

      These are some I have done as a starter.


      Version       MD5SUM   28775c3f6df8c1f364f67d7121191000   f26ef3a84224c10a68d8a6e4f2b46426


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